Thursday, August 10, 2006

Posted by yann at 4:57 PM
wahahaa i redirected the internet thingy from the router to my com (((((: now i can use the internet without disconnecting once every 10mins >.< daddy hurry come back an fix that router! x)

anyway sports day was yesterdayy. fortunately, i escaped from running for fleming ((((: hanisah and stella was nice enough to be the replacement (: but i didnt see stella run! i was doing some crap things before i saw her at the grandstand and found out her event was completed liao >.<

anyway cheerleading competition yesterday was nice! (: the fibo ppl were really good x) except that hanisah was complaining about their costumes and *certain* moves xD then girly was like 'hanisah's going to die man' when they announced that the fibo cheerleading team was gonna perform again.

and the faraday cheerleading team was damn amusing! xD

freakk. i havent revised for jap tmr. boooo. i seriously should stop slacking. like. really. xD i didnt even know what 'to be tired' was in jap xD and i almost failed my test! ))))): boo. and im swear im gonna fail maths soon. okay maybe not failmaths. but the point is, i cant do maths now! i cant think properly ):

im seriously going to fail everything this semester. like. everything.

wahaahaa cant wait for the sept holidays! (((((((((:
i wonder why (:

cant wait to see mandi and flo darling xD

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