Monday, August 14, 2006

Posted by yann at 8:57 PM

had a pretty interesting day today. actually, it was a rather normal day; just that i noticed lots of things i never noticed before.

okay nothing special really happened in school. flagraising. announcements for mentor reps to meet. almost forgot, luckily nelson reminded me. something about some teachers' day dedication. went for chinese, almost failed my cloze.

break break break. had a pretty much interesting discussion with chua ger jo and mariel about certain things x) bio next. wah freakk. my bio test was. weird. well fine. i did better in section b, as expected, but other than that. everything else about my test paper was wrong. i got all the easy questions wrong and all the questions i hesitated at correct x) i fully expected to get my virus question wrong, but i got a "good" for that questions instead xD (hahaa time for egotism. i got 46/50!!! :)))))) yeah. weird. my bio wasnt supposed to be so good xD

anyway. lunch next. had a lousy time with the "bodyguards" torturing me when the "secret service" was away. dear ss, i need help getting rid of my personal bodyguards who behave like terrorists ): yours truly, p

next next next was maths. wahhh boring maths lesson. but it was pretty much a pleasant one nonetheless. well. i let ms tan down ): i didnt know how to do that tap question! >.

after lessons, had to do some hw recording thingy. i spent an hour on it! nelson, whom i borrowed the laptop from, was like "you're going to die thinking of a new starting phrase everyday" well. did i say i was doing it everyday? xD i shall try to get someone to take turns with me ((((:

-sugar cookies-

went home next. waited at the bus stop for lots and lots of time. until i checked the board to make sure i was at the right busstop xD (i mean, i havent taken the bus since first week of sch xD)on the bus, i thought the route looked stragely unfamiliar. i was like "shit! i hope im on the right bus!" anyway throughout the journey i noticed lots and lots of things. i was practically sightseeing! i saw this weird dilapidated building that was uncared of; it had an oddly unique shape, but was surprisingly eyepleasing; it wasnt supposed to look soothing to the eyes.anyway, finally reached the mrt station; i looked small beside a tall tall tall eurasian guy x) i shall grow taller! xD

walked home from serangoon mrt station. on the way, there was a small phrase vandalised on some wall thingy. it was a really racist phrase. i was almost shocked out of my wits. so i hurried out of there in case the vandaliser was still around x)

the ppl were pruning the plants! in fact, they werent even "pruning" it; what was leftover was just branches. no leaves. no flowers. just.. branches, stalks, and more branches. one person was nice enough to stop sweeping the cut off things to let me pass (:

hurried home, and saw my sis sitting at the table doing her homework. never saw her so hardworking xD okay nvm that was random.

tada.the end. time for dinner! yum yum (:

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