Sunday, August 13, 2006

Posted by yann at 9:43 PM

okayy on friday it was an extra extra boring day. had axis. then dance. and then third lang. nothing special, nothing different x) except that i accidentally scratched someone in order to escape from the clutches of evil xD fortunately, i salvaged my phone from the prying eyes of certain gossipy ppl! (((((: but they managed to read one of mandi's message anyway. and to counter their unexpected attack, i deleted everything from my inbox ))): before i looked through it to see what was deletable.

anyway on saturday.. didnt get scolded by prof tay! yeah! i thought it was compulsory to hand up the hw so i went extra extra early to get my gor to teach me. but i only understood half of his workings anyway so didnt manage to hand up my work after all. and theres a test next week )))):

anyway my bro sent me there and back because he had some weird event there to. it was right beside the building i had my classes in! in that big big field over there. he was like "ya. we were that noisy grp of ppl there (:" anyway my bro was nice enough to get some stuff from oldchangkee for me to eat! (((: wahaahaa i miss the food there! and he sent his friends back home so i happily eavesdropped on all their convo! x) anyway he was speeding half the time XD he almost reached 100 km/h la~! he's lucky i didnt tell my mum x)

anyway went back home and slacked through the day. except i was chionging narnia at night. wahahaa.

anyway new sofas and new coffee tables arrived yesterdayy. the sofa was extra extra squishier than the old one! (((: but it was a lot smaller and a lot darker in colour too. and it wasnt leather so i guarantee we have to get a new one soon (: and the coffee table is made of marble so my mum was extra extra worried about us spilling coke, coffee, tea etc. etc. on the table. half of the old sofa went up while one of the couches went outside my bro's room (: now ive got a new place to just sit and stare! XD anyway my living room looks a whole lot smaller now ):
and the prob with the router got worse and now i have to connect directly ): and daddy didnt come home this week! ))))):

oh shit! i havent fully come up with the storyline yet.

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