Sunday, August 27, 2006

Posted by yann at 6:05 PM 0 comments
woohoo! it was extra extra fun yesterday! yayy!

okay well. it wasnt exciting in the morning. just went for imo. realised that the third question of the test was extra easy after i handed up the test... ): anyway. prof tay got really irritated at us. and threatened to leave halfway; but pardon me, i seriously was okay with it. because i was getting really nervous about being late for dance. anyway left at around 1130. half an hour earlier, but anyway. rushed my lunch in 10mins on the car. my mum had to stop halfway for my to finish my lunch x)

anyway reached the dance room. phew! i wasnt the latest! (: anyway i wore all my dance clothes inside. so i just took off my polo tee and my skirt and wore the red skirt over. and then had to retie my hair etc. etc. angela, chua and mira helped me with the flower, makeup and stuff. and they put blush on an extra extra huge part of my face and it was extra extra dark too. sashimi said i looked retarded. and i must say, i agreed. anyway it was rush rush rush. my makeup was rushed out and everything. and i didnt have the glitter thing on for rehearsal but nevermind anyway. and we were late for rehearsal so we were running to the concourse. and my skirt wasnt worn properly so when i ran the whole skirt flew up x) luckily i was wearing fbts inside. but i think nobody noticed. >.<

then ms flo told us we werent supposed to bring our bags in. so it was running to the dance room again. ._. and me, angela, chua, mira became porters for everybody else. anyway managed to hurry change into my dance shoes. and went back to audi. and it was wait wait wait. there was a band jamming on stage and the technical crew and stage crew were adjusting the lights sounds and everything. dan and jo were like tickling me through the whole thing. and the thing is, they were sitting on both sides of me. and i was sitting really unladylikely and was screaming and everything and the spotlight accidentally shone on me >.< i adjusted my skirt and leaned back and tried to hide my face behind jo's xD

anyway after one hour the 'rehearsal' started. we ran through the entrance and exits of everybody etc. etc. and we stopped at intermission. the dance people didnt get to practise but it was okay anyway.

we were told to siam while the audience came in; so we all went to the dance room and touched up on makeup. but seriously. that only made my blush redder and my lips extra extra red and my whole face felt uncomfortable! ):

anyway we sneaked into the audi before the concert started and sat on the steps. it was extra extra cosy ((((: me jo dan tiff were all squeezing in this little corner. finallyit was intermission and we got to perform and everything and we went back to the audi. i must add, the matinee was shitty. those who went for the gala were lucky. the harpists and everything was really good. but the nan hua dance people had their cd jammed! so they couldnt even finish their dance! and all the music didnt come on for a long time and everything. well. the matinee was more like a full dress rehearsal. we all left the audi demoralised. and the thing ended 1.5h late. and the next concert started in an hour.

all of us rushed to the canteen for dinner. we all pigged out on deserts x) cos we knew they would be gone by the time everybody else came. that chocolate thing and tarts were extra nice x) anyway we had like pink forks and pink food and our lipstick and gloss was almost gone x) met sashimi fiza sab squishy and squishy's sis! x) got a hug from sashimiiiiiii! yayy! anyway sashimi, again, said i looked like a doll. meaning. i looked retarded. so i went to the toilet and rubbed off my blush and lipstick and everything so it looked more natural. the blush was almost all gone (: and so was the lipstick. except tat my face hurt from all the rubbing x)

anyway went back to audi from beng for the evening show. the order of the events were changed to make everything smoother, and part of the storyline was sacrificed. then we were all supposed to siam again while the audience came in. anyway waited at the periodic table. and then it was time for us to go in. tiff and mira helped me put on more blush and lipstick and lipgloss againafter i wiped everything off! ): eugenia was like laughing at me cos my cheeks were so red >.< luckily she helped me wiped some off (: anyway our perf was okay. except i almost fell when i did the twirl because i didnt let my leg push me up enough x) and i found out after that that elaine almost tripped and everybody that saw was laughing during the performance x) just that i think the fog covered it up xD

anyway after that went back to the dance studio and took pics ((((: we took like 5 photos or something. we were first doing some formal pose first. then later i was lying on dan and tiff was lying on me; the juniors were all lying on each other while the seniors were doing some elegant pose behind xD and next the juniors all did a heart and then some choo choo train thing and finally in one pic me jo dan and tiff were hugging each other. and the seniors were doing some low to high thing that was so funny! x) anyway mira suggested going for supper but i declined cos my mum wouldnt allow ): so sad la.

anyway we all got flowers and i reserved one flower for stinky x)

during intermission we all went to the audi to watch the concert (((: after i met stinky in the concourse and gave her the flowers and got a hug again x)

anyway i was sitting at the front at the left so i could only see the left side of the stage xD all the dance people all stood up after almost every perf x) well. i was sure we stood up after the band played. the seniors beside me got me to stand up for some (-.^) reason. (-.^)

anyway the harp people were really good. (haii. i missed the nanhua dance) anyway the high high high part was when the teachers came out to sing. zhuolaoshi sang some cantonese/some other dialect song and seniors were like "zhuolaoshiwomenyongyuanzhichini!" xD anyway ms wong came out; again. and the dance seniors were trying to pull me up to dance x) but i declined anyway x) a pity dan left before we came to this part! ):

anyway stinky and all the other nushigh people came to the front and stinky was sitting with me before we deicded to stand up too. and after miss wong finished her encore we all went back to out seat. during the we are all in this together, all the dance people went up to dance too. x) anyway after that the performers were supposed to go up on stage for some thing and stuff like that so eugenia and aiwei were using all the rest in proper attire to cover their tshirt x) anyway after that went to wait with stinky at the concourse but she left every early ): xinyi and squishy came and we waited together but xinyi left too ): finally my mum came. booo. i didnt want to leave school. it was so fun! ):

it was extra extra fun yesterday!

but i had to do hw today ):

yayy. orchid! <3

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Posted by yann at 6:16 PM 0 comments
okay. rehearsal tmr. i missed the last one; but i really hope i can reach my place in time. and not slip x)

okay today was an extremely weird day. like. really. weird. and anyway i finally got my black spaghetti. but i got a really cheap one cos i dont really wear spaghettis ._. just bought it for dance. but its some weird kind of spaghetti so it looks a bit... weird xD

oh no. i realised assignment 6 is due tmr. and. well. i havent done it yet. neither have i fnished my imo test. whoopsee. i just hope ive got enough time tmr.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Posted by yann at 8:42 PM 0 comments
Wahaha. School term’s ending ((((:

That means… the 5th and the 6th are coming!

And my sis agreed to bring me to shop for stuff x)

But well. Bio exam is coming ._. *gulps*
oh and btw, liiiiisa and mandiii; are we going out after teachers' day celebrations?

Monday, August 14, 2006

Posted by yann at 8:57 PM 0 comments

had a pretty interesting day today. actually, it was a rather normal day; just that i noticed lots of things i never noticed before.

okay nothing special really happened in school. flagraising. announcements for mentor reps to meet. almost forgot, luckily nelson reminded me. something about some teachers' day dedication. went for chinese, almost failed my cloze.

break break break. had a pretty much interesting discussion with chua ger jo and mariel about certain things x) bio next. wah freakk. my bio test was. weird. well fine. i did better in section b, as expected, but other than that. everything else about my test paper was wrong. i got all the easy questions wrong and all the questions i hesitated at correct x) i fully expected to get my virus question wrong, but i got a "good" for that questions instead xD (hahaa time for egotism. i got 46/50!!! :)))))) yeah. weird. my bio wasnt supposed to be so good xD

anyway. lunch next. had a lousy time with the "bodyguards" torturing me when the "secret service" was away. dear ss, i need help getting rid of my personal bodyguards who behave like terrorists ): yours truly, p

next next next was maths. wahhh boring maths lesson. but it was pretty much a pleasant one nonetheless. well. i let ms tan down ): i didnt know how to do that tap question! >.

after lessons, had to do some hw recording thingy. i spent an hour on it! nelson, whom i borrowed the laptop from, was like "you're going to die thinking of a new starting phrase everyday" well. did i say i was doing it everyday? xD i shall try to get someone to take turns with me ((((:

-sugar cookies-

went home next. waited at the bus stop for lots and lots of time. until i checked the board to make sure i was at the right busstop xD (i mean, i havent taken the bus since first week of sch xD)on the bus, i thought the route looked stragely unfamiliar. i was like "shit! i hope im on the right bus!" anyway throughout the journey i noticed lots and lots of things. i was practically sightseeing! i saw this weird dilapidated building that was uncared of; it had an oddly unique shape, but was surprisingly eyepleasing; it wasnt supposed to look soothing to the eyes.anyway, finally reached the mrt station; i looked small beside a tall tall tall eurasian guy x) i shall grow taller! xD

walked home from serangoon mrt station. on the way, there was a small phrase vandalised on some wall thingy. it was a really racist phrase. i was almost shocked out of my wits. so i hurried out of there in case the vandaliser was still around x)

the ppl were pruning the plants! in fact, they werent even "pruning" it; what was leftover was just branches. no leaves. no flowers. just.. branches, stalks, and more branches. one person was nice enough to stop sweeping the cut off things to let me pass (:

hurried home, and saw my sis sitting at the table doing her homework. never saw her so hardworking xD okay nvm that was random.

tada.the end. time for dinner! yum yum (:

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Posted by yann at 9:43 PM 0 comments

okayy on friday it was an extra extra boring day. had axis. then dance. and then third lang. nothing special, nothing different x) except that i accidentally scratched someone in order to escape from the clutches of evil xD fortunately, i salvaged my phone from the prying eyes of certain gossipy ppl! (((((: but they managed to read one of mandi's message anyway. and to counter their unexpected attack, i deleted everything from my inbox ))): before i looked through it to see what was deletable.

anyway on saturday.. didnt get scolded by prof tay! yeah! i thought it was compulsory to hand up the hw so i went extra extra early to get my gor to teach me. but i only understood half of his workings anyway so didnt manage to hand up my work after all. and theres a test next week )))):

anyway my bro sent me there and back because he had some weird event there to. it was right beside the building i had my classes in! in that big big field over there. he was like "ya. we were that noisy grp of ppl there (:" anyway my bro was nice enough to get some stuff from oldchangkee for me to eat! (((: wahaahaa i miss the food there! and he sent his friends back home so i happily eavesdropped on all their convo! x) anyway he was speeding half the time XD he almost reached 100 km/h la~! he's lucky i didnt tell my mum x)

anyway went back home and slacked through the day. except i was chionging narnia at night. wahahaa.

anyway new sofas and new coffee tables arrived yesterdayy. the sofa was extra extra squishier than the old one! (((: but it was a lot smaller and a lot darker in colour too. and it wasnt leather so i guarantee we have to get a new one soon (: and the coffee table is made of marble so my mum was extra extra worried about us spilling coke, coffee, tea etc. etc. on the table. half of the old sofa went up while one of the couches went outside my bro's room (: now ive got a new place to just sit and stare! XD anyway my living room looks a whole lot smaller now ):
and the prob with the router got worse and now i have to connect directly ): and daddy didnt come home this week! ))))):

oh shit! i havent fully come up with the storyline yet.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Posted by yann at 4:57 PM 0 comments
wahahaa i redirected the internet thingy from the router to my com (((((: now i can use the internet without disconnecting once every 10mins >.< daddy hurry come back an fix that router! x)

anyway sports day was yesterdayy. fortunately, i escaped from running for fleming ((((: hanisah and stella was nice enough to be the replacement (: but i didnt see stella run! i was doing some crap things before i saw her at the grandstand and found out her event was completed liao >.<

anyway cheerleading competition yesterday was nice! (: the fibo ppl were really good x) except that hanisah was complaining about their costumes and *certain* moves xD then girly was like 'hanisah's going to die man' when they announced that the fibo cheerleading team was gonna perform again.

and the faraday cheerleading team was damn amusing! xD

freakk. i havent revised for jap tmr. boooo. i seriously should stop slacking. like. really. xD i didnt even know what 'to be tired' was in jap xD and i almost failed my test! ))))): boo. and im swear im gonna fail maths soon. okay maybe not failmaths. but the point is, i cant do maths now! i cant think properly ):

im seriously going to fail everything this semester. like. everything.

wahaahaa cant wait for the sept holidays! (((((((((:
i wonder why (:

cant wait to see mandi and flo darling xD

Friday, August 04, 2006

Posted by yann at 3:23 PM 0 comments
shit. wats wrong with me. i keep losing everything.
1. my jacket
2. my mentoring journal
3. almost lost my phone and wallet

shit shit shit
my journal! >.<

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