Sunday, November 30, 2008

Posted by yann at 10:42 PM

WENT SHOPPING WITH MY MUM TODAY!!! :p first time in ages!~ my mum always says that shopping is tiring so she wouldnt come with us O.o hahha. except we stopped over at our aunt's house halfway and i fell asleep there xD

yupyup. bought lots of things! mostly for the korea trip, actually. haha. and my mum paid for everything :p my xmas present is kind of expensive this year, huh! and i got a new pair of shoes. haha. must frame up the pair of shoes i wore to obs. my maid's quite good actually. wash my shoes until so clean. the shoes look WHITE now.

kk. i'm tired today! i realised my blog posts are getting shorter and shorter! and i think i'm still on post-obs syndrome. noooo.
i think i said this before but
i almost cried when we had our last circle la. haha. i choked when i said thankyou to everybody.

omg. convocation tmr. haha. exciting! but i have smp interview before that so i can only start helping out after 3:ooPM O.o i don't even know if i'm supposed to go now. but we don't have to wear long sleeved shirts!!!!!!! :D no more blisters! but actually i bought new court shoes, which are more comfy so i probably wont get blisters ever again! (i hope :))

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