Friday, November 21, 2008

Posted by yann at 9:44 PM
woke up at 7:00 AM today. *yawns* so tired! and i couldn't sleep last night cause of this horror show. O.o very scary k! about some murder. O.o O.o O.o okay i'm too tired to blog properly but there's nothing to do now anyway :p

went for ibn open house in the afternoon today... hmm. haha it was more fun than i expected! they made us sit in the order we came at first so i didn't have anybody to talk to at first ._. cause i was stuck in between 2 random guys. but anyways i switch places with some guy later so i got to be in the same group as cleo! :D ehehe. yupyup. went around looking at stuff O.o haha. there were lots of COOL stuff! haha. especially the bone thingy. (oh the researcher had like 10 piercings on each ear or something O.o) yupyup. haha. i bet the researchers get to do experiments everyday in the lab. i actually want to work in ibn now! haha. oh and we saw the cold room O.o it was. cold! haha :p and our guide opened the -80degrees fridge thingy and it was even colder! haha. the whole place was so cooool!

and my dad was so nice he picked me up from buonavista :p whee!

haha! group 1 came back from OBS today! and all their PMs all said OBS was fun! O.o haha. i guess i'll only find out when i'm there :p (how come my sis is the only one who went for obs, and came back saying it was baaad) haha whoops. havent tried stuffing everything in the packing list into my bag yet. but i have a horrible feeling they won't all fit inside, considering how long the packing list is. which is REALLY bad. luckily we dont have to bring our own sleeping bags!

okay. i'm blogging so much about OBS cause it's really really freaky!


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