Sunday, November 30, 2008

Posted by yann at 10:42 PM 0 comments

WENT SHOPPING WITH MY MUM TODAY!!! :p first time in ages!~ my mum always says that shopping is tiring so she wouldnt come with us O.o hahha. except we stopped over at our aunt's house halfway and i fell asleep there xD

yupyup. bought lots of things! mostly for the korea trip, actually. haha. and my mum paid for everything :p my xmas present is kind of expensive this year, huh! and i got a new pair of shoes. haha. must frame up the pair of shoes i wore to obs. my maid's quite good actually. wash my shoes until so clean. the shoes look WHITE now.

kk. i'm tired today! i realised my blog posts are getting shorter and shorter! and i think i'm still on post-obs syndrome. noooo.
i think i said this before but
i almost cried when we had our last circle la. haha. i choked when i said thankyou to everybody.

omg. convocation tmr. haha. exciting! but i have smp interview before that so i can only start helping out after 3:ooPM O.o i don't even know if i'm supposed to go now. but we don't have to wear long sleeved shirts!!!!!!! :D no more blisters! but actually i bought new court shoes, which are more comfy so i probably wont get blisters ever again! (i hope :))

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Posted by yann at 9:44 AM 0 comments
kk. i'm getting post-OBS syndrome O.o haha. IT WAS SO FUN. it wasn't half as bad as i thought it would be!

and i'm not that afraid of water anymore!. okay. maybe not. and i love my bed now. i can't imagine how i survived 4 nights without a proper bed. day one we had a super stuffy tent cause some zip wouldnt work. on day two, our tent was pitched quite nicely on a patch of grass. (plus we put 2 sleeping bags inside so yupyup. comfy!) day three: HELL. it rained so badly we were all soaked. day four: our tent was pitched on a slight incline so i didnt dare sleep in case i rolled onto serene (but i fell asleep anyways. to make up for day 3's sleep)

and i loved my watchmates. really! :D rachel should know :D (ahem!) i shall dedicate this post to them.



OBS group 3, BRING LOTS OF INSECT REPELLANT and remember to put sunblock? o.o and GOOD LUCK!

i can't believe i woke up so early today O.o i think i'm getting used to sleeping so little (jiayi, hah!)

wahaah. my sis is having an exam today. GOOD LUCK. okay i think it's kind of late to say it now O.o her exam started like 1.5 hours ago or something.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Posted by yann at 10:29 PM 0 comments
i bet you all missed me :D

but anyways. obs was goooooooood! very dirty and rather tiring but FUN! hehe. but to avoid any spoilers for group 3, i shall not give an account :D haha. for tips, refer the gerlynn's blog! :D

me debra mariel jean serene weijin clayton htoo ray ash kiangteng tanshoun shaun(chiang)

hehe. all the nice people :D are you jealous?

haha so anyways after obs we all went home to bathe. and went out for watch dinner!

shall post the photos and neoprints(:

haha there's supposed to be 2 more but i didnt get one.

*sigh* i slept so little in obs but i'm not tired! nooo. this is bad. i want to sleep badly but i cant O.o

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Posted by yann at 7:47 PM 0 comments
haha whoops :p okay i shall be optimistic! so what if we don't get to eat/bathe/sleep etc. etc. etc. it's only five days :D kk! look forward to my happy blog post when i come back!

okay. maybe i'll be too tired to blog O.o

Friday, November 21, 2008

Posted by yann at 9:44 PM 0 comments
woke up at 7:00 AM today. *yawns* so tired! and i couldn't sleep last night cause of this horror show. O.o very scary k! about some murder. O.o O.o O.o okay i'm too tired to blog properly but there's nothing to do now anyway :p

went for ibn open house in the afternoon today... hmm. haha it was more fun than i expected! they made us sit in the order we came at first so i didn't have anybody to talk to at first ._. cause i was stuck in between 2 random guys. but anyways i switch places with some guy later so i got to be in the same group as cleo! :D ehehe. yupyup. went around looking at stuff O.o haha. there were lots of COOL stuff! haha. especially the bone thingy. (oh the researcher had like 10 piercings on each ear or something O.o) yupyup. haha. i bet the researchers get to do experiments everyday in the lab. i actually want to work in ibn now! haha. oh and we saw the cold room O.o it was. cold! haha :p and our guide opened the -80degrees fridge thingy and it was even colder! haha. the whole place was so cooool!

and my dad was so nice he picked me up from buonavista :p whee!

haha! group 1 came back from OBS today! and all their PMs all said OBS was fun! O.o haha. i guess i'll only find out when i'm there :p (how come my sis is the only one who went for obs, and came back saying it was baaad) haha whoops. havent tried stuffing everything in the packing list into my bag yet. but i have a horrible feeling they won't all fit inside, considering how long the packing list is. which is REALLY bad. luckily we dont have to bring our own sleeping bags!

okay. i'm blogging so much about OBS cause it's really really freaky!


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Posted by yann at 10:38 PM 0 comments
hihi :p doing some weird random quiz! actually i might have done this quiz before O.o

1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn’t make sense. NO CHEATING!
How do you feel today?
me & u by cassie.
What’s your outlook on life?
she's no you by jesse mccartney
(huh! is this supposed to make sense O.o)
What does your family think of you?
good day by the click 5
(okay this doesnt make sense either. if the next one doesn't make sense, i'm gonna stop doing this quiz ._.)
What do your friends think of you?
s.o.s. by rihanna
(haha whoops. do i need help?)(oh i know!~ i'm supposed to save them!)
What do strangers think of you?
lucky by britney spears (hehe one of my favourite old songs :p)
(haha i think so too!)
Will you get married?
big girls don't cry by fergie
(eeee. is that a no?)
Are you good at school?
on the way down by ryan cabrera
(eh! hehe. bad omen!)
Will you be successful?
sway by PCD
(hmmm. sway to the...what?)

What song should they play on your birthday?
s.o.s. by jonas brothers
(ANOTHER S.O.S.! uh oh.)
What song should they play at your graduation?
at the beginning by richard marx and donna lewis
The Soundtrack of your life?
breakaway by kelly clarkson
(hehe. breakaway from school!)
You and your best friends are?
flipside by the click 5
(haha we're too different!)

Happy times:
best day of my life by jesse mccartney
(WOAH. this is quite freaky!)

Sad times:
promiscuous by nelly furtado
(uh. is that supposed to be advice?)
Every day:
complicated by avril lavigne
(no it's not. all i'm going now is eat, sleep and play O.o)
For tomorrow:
hey juliet by lmnt
For you:
collide by howie day
(collide with.. what?)

What does next year have in store for me?
when there was me and you by vanessa anne hudgens
(haha whoops. am i going to lose something?)

What do I say when life gets too hard?
hotline by ciara
(doesn't it go "you can call me" or something like that O.o)
What song will I dance to at my wedding?
my humps by black eyed peas
(haha whoops.)
What do you want as your career?
the way by clay aiken
(THE WAY. oooh sounds quite cool)
Your favorite saying?
irresistable by jessica simpson
(err. no i dont say that)
How will I die?
catch your wave by the click 5
(err am i going to die in a surfing accident or something? Oo)(or maybe i'm trying to stop some tsunami)
What is some good advice for me?
obviously by mcfly
(haha. obviously what)
How can I make myself happy?
take a bow by rihanna
(*takes a bow**takes another one*)

What song will they play at my funeral?
get up by ciara
(EH. no i dont want to "get up"; i'm going to scare everyone away!)
What does everyone else think my current theme song is
when you say nothing at all by ronan keating
(haha hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.)
What do I think my current theme song is?
all good things (come to an end) by nelly furtado
(eeeeeee. so sad!)
kk i'm done! haha that was quite fun :p
Posted by yann at 10:12 PM 0 comments
(oooh the sky is blue) ._.

I CAN'T WAIT! oh yeah! 4 more days to OBS!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah right... i cant believe OBS is coming! noooo. went shopping for obs today O.o O.o

-end of story- (shall not talk about bad things in my blog :p)

kk. went back to school today O.o uh. it was quite fun i suppose... (????) cabbage juice smells good! haha. umm. at least lunch was good? O.o haha.

i am addicted to this cool jap detective show! the best thing is, it's not even scary! xD so i won't get nightmares from watching it! (err. they try to be scary with all the music and everything but it's kind of hilarious O.o) haha. that's why it's even nicer to watch than jy's forensic heroes! :p yupyup. i tried watching it. kind of scary O.o especially if you watch it at night

sian. have to go back to school again tmr. booooooooooooooooooooo.

heehee that was quite cute :D

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Posted by yann at 10:15 AM 0 comments
haha. i amaze myself! how long has it been since i last posted? but anyways I'M BACK TO BLOGGING! :D i hope :/ along with a brand new happy-looking layout. haha! it's nearing the end of the year and SO MANY things happened that i didn't blog about! ._. but nvm! haha

oh no! OBS is coming. and it sounds kind of freaky O.o wait. actually it sounds really freaky. O.o

okay to commemorate the revival of my blog......i shall do a random quiz.

50 questions i guarantee you've never answered.
1. Is your second toe longer than your first?
yes. barely ._.
2. Do you have a favorite type of pen?
yupyup! the 0.38/0.28 kind!
3. Look at your planner for March 14, what are you doing?
uhh. what planner?
4. What color are your toenails usually?
i don’t paint them O.o err. except for the odd occasion when i’m really bored
5. Have you ever worn a crown?
(oh sure. everyday. i'm a princess, yo!)
err how bout a tiara looking thingy?
6. What color are your bedroom curtains?
yellow. and blue. and green. with red cherries. and white. but they’re a little faded now
7. What color are the seats in your car?
don’t have a car… it's kind of freaky to drive O.o
8. Have you ever had a black and white cat?
nope. uh. except for a stufftoy cat
9. What is the last thing you put a stamp on?
like a postage stamp? a letter? O.o O.o
10. Do you know anyone who lives in Wyoming?
11. Why did you withdraw cash from the ATM the last time?
to go shopping?
12. Who is the last baby that you held?
my niece!!!!
13. Do you know of any twins with rhyming names?
don’t think so! oh wait! lilian and vivian (however you spell that)
14. Do you like Cinnamon toothpaste?
as in cinnamon flavoured? eww.
15. Pick one: Miami Hurricanes or Florida Gatorsnow?
err. NUS High Dance Club. haha. how am i supposed to pick!
16. Do you have any wallpaper in your house?
uh. nope.
17. Closest thing to you that is yellow?
err. watching tv now. there was some scene that had yellow stuff…
18. Last person to give you a business card?
err. my dad? O.o
19. Closest framed picture to you?
uh. Winnie the pooh.
20. Last time you had someone cook for you?
21. Last time you saw fireworks?
dunno. sentosa? :p
22. Last time you received flowers?from?
dont rmb
23. Do you think the sanctity of marriage is meant for only a man & woman?
24. Do you play air guitar?
what do you think
25. Do you have a little black dress?
yes. wait. what's "little"?
okay that was kind of long. i shall do the second part next time! gtg!
(haha and i just found out i was supposed to be in school today O.o whoops!)
i can't wait till christmas! whee!

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