Thursday, March 08, 2007

Posted by yann at 8:53 PM
okay. right. im supposed to be studying for geog test tmr but its okay x)

so anyways today's english test was weird. i wrote a really really weird story that didnt exactly make sense x) it was so not my kind of story to write xD reminds me of the murphy's law piece that i didnt really like too.

and i love the new physics module(: hahaax. the first lesson's already much more fun than all the lessons of the previous module combined. hee.

yep and drama was extra amusing today!! haha(: especially jy's group (the present and absent thing was damn funny!). junhan's and my group's performances was pretty emo and saddening and stuff. so yep.

yep. today's been a pretty good day, except i was feeling tired most of the time cos. well. i always do. xD

back to mugging ): bye!

and i finally decided to update my links

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