Friday, March 09, 2007

Posted by yann at 10:45 PM
today was games day. didn't feel like signing up for captain's ball; i totally regretted my decision cause it is extra boring wondering around. i was supposed to do maths homework but eh. nvm. i decided to slack off xD so basically. the b div and a div games were much better than c div cos its so extra fast! haaha. its more exciting x) im sorry for whining around so much but i was extra extra bored.

so anyways the soccer match was DAMN AMUSING! haaha! the "imbufians" were all gathered to cheer for mr imbufe! we even had a banner! hahaa. but the mr. j. ang fan club didnt bring out their banner. lol.

and after that was the horrible smacking game. haha. the 205s were watching all the 206s play against each other and ppl from other classes and later whaipeng, janelle and jiayi were like "you people are siao. hit so hard for what. damn scary leh."

yep. afterwards was prize giving. EXTRA HUNGRY AFTER GAMES DAY =x but anyways went for rehearsal. eh eh EH spent 1.5 hours doing. umm. pretty little stuff. but maybe cos we were too noisy x)

*nods* thats about it. and tiffany finally remembered to bring my "at the beginning" score! yayy!(:

i shall end off with a retarded pic with my idol <3 size="1">seriously i have no idea why she's my idol(x

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