Thursday, March 22, 2007

Posted by yann at 11:35 PM 0 comments
wooo! its thursday. tmr, aka. wednesday's timetable is quite slack xD so no chionging homework for today! yippee!

its sl invest tmr! shall go sleep early. bye!

personal reminder to put on clips!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Posted by yann at 3:25 PM 0 comments
uh oh. i'm still on camp-high. hee(: okay i shall talk more about campfire night cos theres so much to talk about.

so basically. all the mentor groups performed.

201's dance is extremely cute and amusing! haahaa! especially andre! "the tide is high but im holding on..."

202's skit was. uhh. lame. serious!

203's one was quite cheesy but the cheerleading part was quite creative.

204's one was not bad. but it was quite messy. the people didnt know what they were doing! except like. the people in front or something.

205's one was funny! but it was nice(: it was a suuuuper hyper and enthu dance. mambo no. 5! debra and timothy (tan) were really cute together! haahaa

206's one was nice! the guys were really sporty (: at least they didnt refuse to do the girly dance, although they werent as enthu as danielle, of course. i suuuper love the chorus can! haha!(: UPSIDE DOWN!

okay today was quite boring =x all of the girls were still hyped up after the camp, and we were like. dancing the perf item and singing and singing. haha.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Posted by yann at 8:51 PM 0 comments
woosh camp is finally over! had an extra long sleep just now!(:

so day 1:
reached sch; but the camp ppl were not here yet so i played bridge with a couple of people. hee =x i kept losing. so anyways after a long time, the ppl were finally here. did a couple of random stuff including cheers and went off to the campsite. It looked better than I imagined but... it was infested with mosquitoes, lizards and god knows what. So anyways after lunch was a couple of games. I was feeling quite siaan cos. I dont know. Also we did the challenge rope course. Okay. A really small part of it. Woosh. Belaying was tiring! I wanted to climb the pole again to try the other things but I only found out we could go twice (if we beg the instructor) after I had taken off my harness and helmet. So troublesome to put it on again! So basically that was it. After that was dinner and stuff.

day 2:
I didnt get enough sleep in the night! Haha. I couldnt fall asleep because a lot of people were talking xD So anyways woke up bright and early. Debra refused to wake up! After that was rafting. We built a raft that probably couldnt hold together xD and had to get into the extra dirty water! Boo. We did challenge pole after that! Haha. It was quite scary. I didnt catch the pole =x We also had campfire item prep. Errrrrrr. Okay. The choreographing was quite okay. Hee we thought of everything impromptu. Then there was abseiling. Not very exciting but it was quite hard to walk down the wall.

Campfire was quite... okay. Haha. I was quite tired and was extremely close to dozing off. Woosh we finally got to sleep xD

Day 3:
Woke up quite late; but still managed to finish packing and washing up. Haha. There was area cleaning. The hole where the campfire was was smelly! Haha. And the confetti stuck to the floor. So after area cleaning was basically slack time. Hee(:

Had our photos taken and stuff and said bye to the instructors! =x Gahh. Yep. Reached school on the extra empty bus. Haha. There were only like us and 201 on the extra big bus. Some instructors followed on the second bus. Instructor potato said he was going to treat 202 to macs! Unfair! Haha. So anyways my bro was nice enough to send me home and get me some food(: Hee(:

Lalala. School starts tmr. Booo.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Posted by yann at 9:41 AM 0 comments
caution! this post is filled with nonsense and crappiness.

ladida. im extremely bored. i know theres a huge pile of holiday homework; but im currently not in the mood to do it(: its the holidays!, you know ._.

so basically. i cant wait for level camp!((: hehe.

i'm extremely bored.

but im extra extra happy. whee!

Friday, March 09, 2007

Posted by yann at 10:45 PM 0 comments
today was games day. didn't feel like signing up for captain's ball; i totally regretted my decision cause it is extra boring wondering around. i was supposed to do maths homework but eh. nvm. i decided to slack off xD so basically. the b div and a div games were much better than c div cos its so extra fast! haaha. its more exciting x) im sorry for whining around so much but i was extra extra bored.

so anyways the soccer match was DAMN AMUSING! haaha! the "imbufians" were all gathered to cheer for mr imbufe! we even had a banner! hahaa. but the mr. j. ang fan club didnt bring out their banner. lol.

and after that was the horrible smacking game. haha. the 205s were watching all the 206s play against each other and ppl from other classes and later whaipeng, janelle and jiayi were like "you people are siao. hit so hard for what. damn scary leh."

yep. afterwards was prize giving. EXTRA HUNGRY AFTER GAMES DAY =x but anyways went for rehearsal. eh eh EH spent 1.5 hours doing. umm. pretty little stuff. but maybe cos we were too noisy x)

*nods* thats about it. and tiffany finally remembered to bring my "at the beginning" score! yayy!(:

i shall end off with a retarded pic with my idol <3 size="1">seriously i have no idea why she's my idol(x

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Posted by yann at 8:53 PM 0 comments
okay. right. im supposed to be studying for geog test tmr but its okay x)

so anyways today's english test was weird. i wrote a really really weird story that didnt exactly make sense x) it was so not my kind of story to write xD reminds me of the murphy's law piece that i didnt really like too.

and i love the new physics module(: hahaax. the first lesson's already much more fun than all the lessons of the previous module combined. hee.

yep and drama was extra amusing today!! haha(: especially jy's group (the present and absent thing was damn funny!). junhan's and my group's performances was pretty emo and saddening and stuff. so yep.

yep. today's been a pretty good day, except i was feeling tired most of the time cos. well. i always do. xD

back to mugging ): bye!

and i finally decided to update my links

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Posted by yann at 10:45 PM 0 comments

haha! bio was unexpectedly easy today(: but i think i just killed my section a.

oh yeah. theres no physics test tmr~! heehee(: great(: and there wasnt fps today so basically, today was pretty much a slack day. but i took the time to complete my geog homework! hee.

i can't wait for the march holidays!(: in fact, im already in the holiday mood! haahaa! happyyy(:

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