Sunday, December 31, 2006

Posted by yann at 5:22 PM
yesterday was amusing ^_^ and the food at the restaurant was nicer than last week's hotel's

reached the restaurant; saw all my cousins. havent seen them for a loooong time.

The whole dinner was really amusing; yiling and zhihao borrowed their dad's camera. So they were taking weird pictures here and there, and when they finally got bored of that, they took pictures of each other's cameras >.< and it was damn funny. When yiling took a picture of zhihao and his camera, zhihao was like "aye! why you take me the picture! you go away!" then he turned around and did a pout and refused to talk to yiling! damn funny la! and they were arguing and arguing until dinner started ^_^ kawaaaii!

and it was fun crapping with lingzhi and lingen and my sis(:

so anyways ate a lot a lot a lot during dinner. almost couldnt finish all the food. but i liked the mango pudding x)

so anyways we took some photos and stuff after that before going home. i'll post the pics some time when i get them; if i do get them, that is.

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