Friday, December 29, 2006

Posted by yann at 8:28 PM
day 3:

today was pretty much slack, some more than others =x weijin was hiding in a corner playing with his laptop (auditionsea) the whole time! -.-" the instrumental ppl were busy practising; and the girls were dilligently doing the dance and in the end the final run through was quite okay. hiccups here and there; the volcano didnt really erupt; but everything else was pretty much okay.

oh yeah it was skill okay!((: (riight)

during lunch me ger deb sab and joanna were crapping and talking about weird stuff xD really.weird.stuff. and i got a hit from daniel/sky for talking too much/talking too much crap =x

woosh. orientation's in five days. its final prep and everything! jiayouu!!!!! i hope everything goes well =x

[haha! i finished reading the synchronos booklet on the bus!]

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