Friday, December 01, 2006

Posted by yann at 9:28 PM
attached below is my to-do list for the month of december 2006. i promise to abide to the following very very conscientiously. =x (i hope.)

1. i shall do some serious spring cleaning. i much must clear up my extremely messy desk, i must clear up the extremely extremely messy table downstairs, and i must clear up the extremely extremely messy coffee table, all piled with my stuff.

2. i shall stuff some of my stuff toys into the corner of my extremely dark wardrobe, so i will not wake up every morning with a sick nose. however, i must must keep winks(:

3. i shall file all my year 1 work neatly in nice huge ring files, and stuff them safely in my cupboard, so as to get them off my desk, and ensure that those huge piles of things on the floor dont exist x)

4. i shall stop pigging out and for once, do something useful, like playing computer games xD and reading some nice storybooks.

5. i shall bury myself in nice fun activities so as to fully enjoy myself this december holidays.

6. i shall practise the piano diligently, and make my fingers as strong as they used to be. i shall be able to play a 6-paged fast fast song without my fingers getting too tired out and stopping halfway.

7. i shall be more intelligent, one way or another.

8. i shall have fun, with or without my sis, rather than sulking at home everytime she needs to go for band prac.

9. i shall abide by all the above, willingly or unwillingly, till the 31st of december, when which i will revise certain statements made above. if i were to not do any of the above, i will. umm. face a really really heavy punishment, yet to be decided.

i have some purpose in life now, so i shall not be feeling all sulky and bored during the december holidays.

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