Sunday, December 31, 2006

Posted by yann at 5:22 PM 0 comments
yesterday was amusing ^_^ and the food at the restaurant was nicer than last week's hotel's

reached the restaurant; saw all my cousins. havent seen them for a loooong time.

The whole dinner was really amusing; yiling and zhihao borrowed their dad's camera. So they were taking weird pictures here and there, and when they finally got bored of that, they took pictures of each other's cameras >.< and it was damn funny. When yiling took a picture of zhihao and his camera, zhihao was like "aye! why you take me the picture! you go away!" then he turned around and did a pout and refused to talk to yiling! damn funny la! and they were arguing and arguing until dinner started ^_^ kawaaaii!

and it was fun crapping with lingzhi and lingen and my sis(:

so anyways ate a lot a lot a lot during dinner. almost couldnt finish all the food. but i liked the mango pudding x)

so anyways we took some photos and stuff after that before going home. i'll post the pics some time when i get them; if i do get them, that is.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Posted by yann at 8:28 PM 0 comments
day 3:

today was pretty much slack, some more than others =x weijin was hiding in a corner playing with his laptop (auditionsea) the whole time! -.-" the instrumental ppl were busy practising; and the girls were dilligently doing the dance and in the end the final run through was quite okay. hiccups here and there; the volcano didnt really erupt; but everything else was pretty much okay.

oh yeah it was skill okay!((: (riight)

during lunch me ger deb sab and joanna were crapping and talking about weird stuff xD really.weird.stuff. and i got a hit from daniel/sky for talking too much/talking too much crap =x

woosh. orientation's in five days. its final prep and everything! jiayouu!!!!! i hope everything goes well =x

[haha! i finished reading the synchronos booklet on the bus!]

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Posted by yann at 9:52 PM 0 comments
PO prep 2-

uh. today was worse than yesterday =x the exhibition was okay; it started drizzling, then raining, then pouring. and we had to walk around the whole big place searching for a nice nice place to eat =x in the end had to go to clementi central to get macs

so. after that was pretty much okay.

d204 still smells of thinner. and the whole place is really messy =x

todays extra cold. hmph.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Posted by yann at 9:56 PM 0 comments
preorientation today was quite okay =x im sorry we're all so un-enthu; but try sleeping at 3 and waking up at 7 when you usually sleep 10 hours a day since the holidays started.

im going to sleep now. *yawns*

okay. maybe not. i still have lots to do ):

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Posted by yann at 10:29 AM 0 comments
school's starting. i really dont know whether im supposed to be happy or disappointed. for one, at least it'll be a whole lot funner in school(but my sis and bro will be too busy to see much of them) but there will be the lessons(but at least i wont feel that useless slacking around at home)

but i cant wait for orientation '07!((: heehee. i love 106. okay fine this sounds a little weird considering i only saw them for like half an hour but i still love them anyway(: im sorry but i dont really rmb their names =x but i know theres a timothy, a tricia (haha), a hilda, a natalie...... (and the list goes on okay!)

im sorry the daisy's wiltering;

eh. i almost finished the box of mercis. i hope my sis wouldnt notice =x

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Posted by yann at 12:01 PM 0 comments
Oh yeah

Posted by yann at 11:45 AM 0 comments
haha im in my mum's office now. this place is damn cool. but quite messy xD theres like this large lab outside with lots of weird looking things. but im hungry =x and it'll be about an hour before we can go home. gahh.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Posted by yann at 6:56 PM 0 comments
haha yesterday was pretty okay. reached school and met debra before going to the conference room together. boy, was it crowded. and really noisy too x) so took a long time settling down and attendance then it was some really short briefings. more briefings after we left by my i/c then started duty when the first person started coming in. (oh yeah and i found out that there were two natalie yeos in year 1)

woosh. it was boring. it wasnt until close to 9 that all the ppl started coming in so before that had fun slacking around x) and crapping with everybody else. luckily there was tiffany and cheryl(chua) to talk to. so after that there was a huuuge crowd. had to repeat the same things lots and lots of times *yawns* but well, ushering was quite fun la. at least i got to walk around, not like everybody else(:

so anyways after that was the looong loooooooooooong talk. but i escaped halfway(: went toilet, walked around a bit before going back. FInally it ended xD

met 106!(: haahaa! and MISS CHUA'S THEIR MENTOR!!!(((: yeah! but 106 was quite liveless. it was me, tiffany and misschua gahh. woosh. but 106 didnt talk to each other ): maybe cause there wasnt time.

so anyways went for uniforms sale. pheww luckily the auntie there and the parents i met were nice(: so had to help them fit and everything; advise on orders etc. etc.

mum came so couldnt stay for souvenirs. sorry!

after i went home started crapping with my sis. gahh. talked for too long so i didnt manage to do all the things i was supposed to do xD

nvm. there's always tomorrow >.<

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Posted by yann at 10:38 PM 0 comments
Your Birthdate: April 1

You are a natural born leader, even if those leadership talents haven't been developed yet. You have the power and self confidence to succeed in life, and your power grows daily. Besides power, you also have a great deal of creativity that enables you to innovate instead of fail. You are a visionary, seeing the big picture instead of all of the trivial little details.
Your strength: Your supreme genius
Your weakness: Your inappropriate sensitivity
Your power color: Gold
Your power symbol: Star
Your power month: January
Posted by yann at 10:38 PM 0 comments
crapp. today has been a really lousy day. and it wasnt totally the paint's fault but it did play quite a part. grr. there's paint splattered all over me and i had no way to wash it off at all. so i had to scratch it off =x and there's still a lot left. grr. i hope the ppl tmr wont be able to notice

but i dont want to talk about the second part. gahh.

too tired.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Posted by yann at 8:28 AM 0 comments
this is going to be a long day. you didnt get your sleep last night; you cant afford to sleep today.
jiayou, yanling.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Posted by yann at 7:41 PM 0 comments
haha. yesterday was quite fun.

reached pasir ris mrt station quite early. then aaron, nicholas and a lot of other guys. luckily elaine came too. by bus. gahh. i didnt know i could take 58 here. so much faster than coming by mrt. so anyways after a while the other psls all came; collected consent forms, and went to take 403 to the chalet. haai. 403 took really long to come.

anyway went we reached the chalet, first was the vision setting part, and then it was THE "icemelting" games. no actually it was only only one ice melting game. the rest were icebreaking games. gahh this is so lame. tried out all the games in the proposal, and had lots of comments for the rest of the psls; lots to ammend xD

after that walked to downtown east for lunch. my, was it a long walk x) but anyway had quite a ball of a time crapping with all the others, and making silly jokes and digs about each other x) then went to bk. all the yr 1 psl girls wanted to push eugene off his bike after he refused to get down from itx) only to find out that eliza, mia, lynnette and sharlene were missing x) sorry butongleide x) but i HAD to make so many phonecalls xD anyway this person spilled a large coke and the nice guy psls all went to clear up. haha.

after that was free and easy. haahaa me, ger, deb and joanna rented two double bikes. damn funny! but after a while we finally managed to ride around x) with the help of eugene

had a sore throat afterwards from two whole bottles of cold water and i was feeling extra tired so went back to the chalet to play bridge with royston, zhongming and gary + andy. but i think quite a few others also played because some councillors had to go for some evaluation thing. after the councillors were called to set up the bbq, i went over to a1 to play more bridge with the eliza, zuxin and mr lee. then mia, zhongming and lynnette came over, while deb and jiaqing learnt how to play bridge. then we all took turns playing until the food was ready x) we were all feeling guilty about not helping but nevermind xD after dinner, we all went back to bridge. and all the food all came into a1 so we snatched all the marshmallows and satay but didnt have hands to eat the chicken x) i didnt eat much. had too much in bk.

anyway it was dismissal at 8. mr lee announced that we could stayover. haii. but i didnt bring all my stuff, only a fresh change of clothes. so i decided to go home.

went to paya lebar mrt to wait for my mum.

took a nice, long bath when i reached home and fell asleep immediately xD

Friday, December 08, 2006

Posted by yann at 10:44 PM 0 comments


i'll blog about the chalet tmr.
*eyes droop down*

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Posted by yann at 9:38 PM 0 comments
the holidays are boring.

okay. if you are a year 1 psl and you are reading this,
please please please reply to the email.
this is urgent
the ammended proposal is due on 8th.

okay anyways.
gah. im getting moul-dy at home. grr grr. i cant stay at home for more than 24 hours.


Monday, December 04, 2006

Posted by yann at 3:40 PM 0 comments
grrr. i want my hands to be bigger! stupid stupid stupid i cant reach over such a puny number of keys. grrr.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Posted by yann at 9:28 PM 0 comments
attached below is my to-do list for the month of december 2006. i promise to abide to the following very very conscientiously. =x (i hope.)

1. i shall do some serious spring cleaning. i much must clear up my extremely messy desk, i must clear up the extremely extremely messy table downstairs, and i must clear up the extremely extremely messy coffee table, all piled with my stuff.

2. i shall stuff some of my stuff toys into the corner of my extremely dark wardrobe, so i will not wake up every morning with a sick nose. however, i must must keep winks(:

3. i shall file all my year 1 work neatly in nice huge ring files, and stuff them safely in my cupboard, so as to get them off my desk, and ensure that those huge piles of things on the floor dont exist x)

4. i shall stop pigging out and for once, do something useful, like playing computer games xD and reading some nice storybooks.

5. i shall bury myself in nice fun activities so as to fully enjoy myself this december holidays.

6. i shall practise the piano diligently, and make my fingers as strong as they used to be. i shall be able to play a 6-paged fast fast song without my fingers getting too tired out and stopping halfway.

7. i shall be more intelligent, one way or another.

8. i shall have fun, with or without my sis, rather than sulking at home everytime she needs to go for band prac.

9. i shall abide by all the above, willingly or unwillingly, till the 31st of december, when which i will revise certain statements made above. if i were to not do any of the above, i will. umm. face a really really heavy punishment, yet to be decided.

i have some purpose in life now, so i shall not be feeling all sulky and bored during the december holidays.

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