Saturday, December 27, 2008

Posted by yann at 10:21 AM
Christmas is FUN. They should have it once every month or something!

went to grandma's house on christmas! and ate and ate and ate a lot! haha. and they have this electric bbq pit thingy so you can bbq indoors :D it's really helpful! hahaa. the "fire" takes like only one minute to start or something ._. but the electric bbq pit cant do marshmallows properly! hahaha. my bro, sis and me were the chef! :D then our cousin came to join us! but the bbq wasnt really needed O.o there was already so much food on the table O.o O.o

and they were playing some weird tribe game that looked quite cute actually! haha. my bro tried playing it. except he said it was boring cause the baby took too long to grow up (?) and we ALMOST painted our bro's nails~! :D purple is the nicest colour ever!!

yesterday was spent at rachel's house! her younger bro just grew taller. again. now he's taller than me............................................................ and rachel :D and mingyan :D and probably jieun and gerlynn too! haha. see now i dont feel that short anymore(:

i stayed at rachel's house for a total of 12.5 hours. O.o i was the earliest! which is weird. cause *ahem ahem* some people *ahem* were supposed to come at 9 but overslept... and we bridged. and played mahjong O.o which is really addictive! haha. and we had this fun/evil/amusing gift exchange. muahaha. you get to steal the presents of the people picking before you :D haha. i bought a stuff toy! which weijin got -.- hmmm. it's cute lor!!! hmm. except it's in a basket so you cant really hug it O.o and i got gerlynn's PINK umbrella!! hahaa.

O.o my sis surprised me yesterday when she suddenly handed me a christmas present when i reached home!!!!! (which is weird cause i reached home at 11+ and she promised to sleep at 10 everyday) i thought she forgot my present! haha. they're all PURPLE(-ish) :D and from bodyshop so they smell GREAT(: yayy!!

kk going to watch twilight(:

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