Thursday, November 22, 2007

Posted by yann at 11:19 PM 0 comments
whee!(: class outing today!! haha(:

whoops! i was checking how to get to mr imbufe's house so i left house late xD and... reached j8 at 11.30! (that's thirty minutes after the designated meeting time x)) so.. yup. met hanisah... passed her the envelopes and everything, then went to meet the class! the arcade. haha. but j8's arcade has lots of pick-up-stuff-toy machines^^ the bunnies are cuute! haha. so. yup. we met sarahh!!! O.o ohmigawd. ohmigawd. it's so... shocking.

went to watch enchanted!! haha! THE CHIPMUNK IS SUPER CUTE xDD especially when it was playing umm. charates? with the priince!! haha!!

so after enchanted, bought mr imbufe's presents (a cake + a ribbon + a balloon)*sobs* i'm going broke already.

next, we took a bus to mr imbufe's house. hmm. his house is quite cozy O.o and it has a lot of couches. so anyways we... went there to. bridge? and talk? and slack around? and mr imbufe cooked for us! haha!!(: and also ordered kfc and pizzas O.o yup. yup. we only left around six(:

and went to bugis for neos ._. the bus route was freaky! haha. it was dark and... spooky? but i wasn't as spooked by it as danielle was(: and the bus took SUPER long to reach bugis. T.T

so yup. went for neos. umm. took twice. the one with the class has lots of faces. haha. it's like the whole pic is filled with faces lahh. so anyways it was quite late already so me cheryl danielle hanisah went home. apparently, the guys went to check out the arcade (?)

my mum was already at home when i reached! (i thought she wasn't lorr. her car was gone!) my sis came home later than me though. and anyways my mum didn't scold us or anything(:

whoosh. walking in heels is terrible. never wash all your shoes at the same time. T.T
Posted by yann at 9:20 AM 0 comments
i just came back from pre-o camp yesterday(: it wasn't as fun as last year's; but it's still a camp. sleeping partner!!

so yup. went to school super early for the first day cause my mum couldn't fetch me there later! ): *sobs* nobody i knew was in school! until yihui finally came(:

at 9, they started the camp! whee! haha. i think after we put our bags etc. down, the first thing we did was icebreakers. psychology(: haha

next was mass dance! O.o

then... we went for lunch and dragonboating (i think) i didn't dare dragon boat at first xD i can't swim well lahh! what if i drop into the water! but later it was much more fun(: (except when they were rocking the boat! i think i screamed too much so i have a sore throat now :( )(oh crap that's so bimbotic. i shall not scream ever again)

then after washing up for a bit at kallang, we went back to school. and we got to take a shower!!(: yayy!! but... for 5 mins only -.- chuiyi was scary! she was like screaming at ppl to get out ):

next was... dinner? is it? i don't exactly remember. then we presented our proposals. whee. and after that was night games!! haha! capture the flag! super fun! xDDDD it was fun sneaking around! haha! then it was super funny cause tpl got tricked by mag and was captured ^^

after supper and discussing the things, we finally got to sleep! *yawns* i slept at 1am T.T

next morning, after wash up, the first activity was morning exercises. morning exercises = mass dance + stretching + steal-the-ball + jogging. oh! and during steal-the-basketball operation, we found out that A LOT of guys are scared of pokes! hah! but 2mins ended before we could steal the ball. so too bad xD

after breakfast, we discussed the proposal again. hmm. it's hard to find clues.

then it was presentation of proposals to mr suresh and mr j ang and miss lee and miss koh. whee. then after lunch it was water games! (which got more fun only at the last part xD)

then camp ended =x

pff. i still had to go for lessons. luckily i managed to cancel my practical; only went for theory!! whee!

*yawns* i'm still sleepy ):

Friday, November 16, 2007

Posted by yann at 11:52 PM 0 comments
whoo. today was arts fest. hmm. it feels good to be back in school. i loved the jap school and i had fun there; but i still missed all of you! T.T so. yup. i gave out the presents(: but some ppl ponned school :/ so i have a lot of packets of sweets left... like. 4? that's 40 sweets leh -.- i'll see if i will meet them :/

so. morning... had this drama perf by the drama club. super funny cannnn!! hahahaaa! our drama club is goood! xDDDD it's super super super funny! *laughs* blender!

next we watched movies. O.o umm. the first one was... :/ sort of a's super sad caaan. but i didn't watch the whole thing; didn't want to watch O.o so sad lah! but i watched the ending(: quite a happy ending, i suppose O.o

next was hula girls! at first i thought it was nice cause 1. nelson said it was nice after he watched it a moelc 2. the beginning was quite nice. but the plot if quite draggy... and it's like.... it doesn't exactly have a climax O.o maybe that's just because i was super sleepy so i wasn't exactly paying attention to the subtitles >.< somebody bathed! so we got there late! whoops! >.< eating competition!

went back to sch. set-up failed! ): whoo. everybody performing was so pro! oh. and it was only when we went out during the intermission that we realised quite a lot of ppl were wearing clothes that were quite formal O.o not like us! :p

uh. disco night. hmm. i got a scare at first. i'm just not used to the dark :/ haha. my sis is scared of the dark too! so we always go around the house at night together xDDD nobody wanted to dance!): and hanisah was tired/shocked/spooked ): so we stayed only till after the lucky draw. luckily my mum came to pick me up! okay. actually it was expected. i can always persuade her to pick me up if events end late ^^

so. yup.

die. i can't sleep again! it's wayyyy past my bedtime so i'm not tired anymore! *sobs*

i shall go find something to do :/

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Posted by yann at 9:19 PM 0 comments
): ): today was my last day in the japanese secondary school! T.T (yes yes i miss the ppl in nus high, but...) T.T last day lehh! luckily i remembered to bring my camera ^.^

so. yup. went to sch today... my mum was late for work so she dropped me at the bus stop to walk to the sch! T.T nvm... morning exercise, yeah? yup. so i went there; sayuri wasn't here yet so i talked to the other ppl.

so. hmm. first period was EC. ms fisher was super funny! xD especially when she imitated a cat! haha! then masahiro atsuki (?) yutaro rina said their speeches and everything. they were great! ^.^

yup. next was... science. haha! the funny sensei again! xD we learnt about... combustion! ^.^ it's super fun! at least i understood the lesson(: you know right! the sensei actually wanted to be a composer when he was young (he was telling the class). and it's super funny cause he totally didn't look like that type! oh yeah we got to burn this magnesium strip! haha! like the fireworks thingy. and it was super bright!!(: and sayuri's lab grp was really nice!(:

next they had japanese lesson but i didn't attend again cause we were invited to the library to look at the manga there. we ended playing japanese chess(shogi)! haha! but the hwa chong guy super evil lor! he didn't say that he knew how to play! it was like me: "ooh cool! let's play!" *comes over* hc guy:"okay let's play" *sit down* sensei: "this moves one step forward" me: *moves that piece* hc guy:*move another piece* me:*randomly moves another piece under the teacher's guidance* hc guy:*move a piece until it passes the three row bounday* *flips the piece over* sensei: "shirimasuka (you know how to play? O.o)" hc guy: *nods* me: "YOU DIDN't SAY! stop bullying my pieces!" hc guy: *smiles* me: (it was my move) "how does this move ah?" hc guy: (starts explaining) me: "how does this move then?" *points to another one* hc guy: *doesn't reply* *looks around* "you talking to me?" me: *rolls eyes* anybody else around?

luckily, more girls came over!! and there was this girl completely guiding me. like "don't move here, he'll eat you!" then *plot plot*"okay you can eat his general" and we WONN!!! hah!(: beginners' luck, eh?

next i went back to class for.. history. they weren't talking about japanese artists anymore. they talked about world war I. and sayuri was forever typing on her dictionary to allow me to understand the lesson (i know what's united nations, the weimer treaty etc. in jap now :)) so i was pleased to say, i sort of understood (?)

next was lunch! *sigh* the day's ending soon ): ): oh yeah. did i mention? everyday during lunch, there will be this dj broadcasting music to the school!(: nice songs(: after lunch the three of us exchange students were presented with the photo we took with the class!(: then we had to say a few words in appreciation O.o i totally didn't know what to say O.o whoops! so i said a really short speech xD

next i spammed phototaking mann! xD haha. i forgot to bring my camera for the past 2 days! ): so i took pictures with a lot of ppl and took pictures of a lot of ppl xD especially their funny poses! haha! i'll post the picture up when i transfer it to my laptop xD super funny caan!

next was the closing ceremony T.T after we got our certificates, we played jankeneki and some other game. fun fun! haha!then we went for phototaking and refreshments (yum.) T.T before long, the day was over! ): went back to class for a bit. then it was really time to say bye ): ): ):

T.T i want to cry already!! T.T i want to go to their school again!! T.T

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Posted by yann at 7:39 PM 0 comments
whee! i haven't blogged in a long time(:

it was super fun yesterday and today(: hee! the jap school was so cool! ^.^ it's really really different from nus high(:

okay let's see... i dunno! there's just so many things to talk about! xD

well. went to the jap sch feeling all weird and everything. it was really awkward; and i couldn't find sayuri at first. but i decided to go explore so i found her in the end(: so. yah. took attendance and everything then there was the opening ceremony. it was so funny! we were like sitting on stage so everybody's looking up at us and it's really really weird! =x so yup. so we went to class and everything. then lessons started.

uhh. O.o i couldn't understand half the thing they were talking about. luckily the first lesson was maths so it was easier to understand. at least the symbols were the same. and the teacher was really trying hard to explain some things in english. but all the problem solving in jap was cool!^.^ hee. oh did i mention? they have 10mins of break for every 50mins of lessons!(: haha.

oh and you know they have like a fixed seating position and for each subject there are usually a few diff groups in the same class so there were people from other classes coming to the classroom and everything.

and the girls were really nice(: like smile-y and everything. (and they're chio too! :))

oh and there's air conditioner everywhere, except the taiikukan and all the obvious places that wouldn't have aircon.

so next we had some japanese culture lesson (while my class was having english) and i learnt to play some really fun games!(: haha. there was koma or whatever it's called.

then it was karaaaaate! (my class was having japanese; pheww. i didn't have to attend) haha super cool! but we didn't get to really fight! we were having some umm. practice drills? haha but it was really fun!(: oh. and i never learnt how to tie the belt properly. mine always untied halfway through. (we wore the thing over a shirt lahhh) and the robe thingy was really heavy! O.o

then we went for science class. ahaha. did this experiment that involved a scary bunsen burner that i didn't touch throughout the experiment. but the ball of fluff (iron) was kawaii!(: and apparently sayuri's group's experiment failed. xD

then it was... whoops. i forgot. right. lunch! haha they eat in the classroom and it was really cool cause it was like. everybody was eating together, in the same place and the class was really united! for lunch, they join their tables together so it forms long tables(:

then they have like a break (umm. directly translated as time for anything you want to do xD) after lunch. sayuri had to go for some committee meeting so i stayed with mizuki (a super nice girl!) who stayed in class. the guys were playing cards! hah! fellow card addicts! and some girls were doing some cheerleader dance that was very nice to watch! it was super cute and they were carrying pom-poms!(: haha! super cute! and during the break, lots of people go to the taiikukan. the girls were playing volleyball! and the guys were playing basketball and badminton -.- and the sports equipment is actually free for them to take lor! they don't even have to ask a teacher.

next... is it english conversation? i dunno! but the EC teacher was really nice and funny!(: and that was the only lesson i fully understood cause the teacher was teaching in english xD

then there was social studies. uhh. i didn't exactly understand O.o

oh and after each school day, they have to do some reflections thingy and somebody has to announce the lessons they have next day (?) basically, housekeeping matters. oh and their timetable is actually a three-week cycle! O.o

right. so... i didn't go for their club activities =x but sayuri had to go so ayaka (another super nice person! i told you everybody there was super nice!) walked me out. oh and almost the whole sch takes the school bus! the rest take the taxi (i think)

right. so that was the end of the first day(: it was super fun! it was like a totally new environment!

so today:
the principal invited us into his office! which has this classy clock that was really cool! O.o and all the teachers came in an said hi and talked to us for a bit. we were early, you see. the school buses weren't here yet.

so. first period was english. i half understood... because this was different from EC. the teacher's a jap teacher teaching mainly in jap. (explaining in jap)

next was pe. they're doing swimming now! O.o i didn't swim; and luckily i didn't cause all of them are like pros or something. anyway sayuri had a cold so she didn't swim either. so did the rest of her friends who didn't want to swim. it was super funny! cause they all said they were sick; then they ended up playing with the pool water so the coach didn't believe them and was looking at them weirdly xD

next we went for some jap culture thing again (while they were having jap lessons. phewww) and we learnt this amusing game! haha! it was actually quite fun! and we got to tour their library for a bit. O.o most of it was in jap, but i found some interesting-looking detective story. i could barely understand the summary xD best find of the day: the whole harry potter series(:

next was moral education. umm. something about being courageous and doing what's right or something. i didn't exactly understand the passage they were supposed to refer to. so i was sort of daydreaming xD sayuri also said "taikutsu" so i guess the communication thing was exactly the problem xD

next was lunch(: i bought the bento coupon in the morning! so i went to collect my obento. haha. it was beef rice with some weird thing that was actually nice and watermelon. whoops! six bucks gone xD but i was good food so it's worth it(: just make sure my mum doesn't find out xD

next was cleaning time! so cute! they actually have a designated cleaning time every wednesday xD the whole class just mops + sweeps + wipes the classroom and their part of the corridor outside xD the girls all wiped the classroom floor! haha! it was quite fun! we each took a rag and ran with the rag pressed against the floor. uhh. sorry for the lousy description. just imagaine, yeah? xD then we were having competitions about who can do it the fastest! haha!

we had break again so we went to the taiikukan. and they started pointing out sayuri's crush xD some pro basketballer O.o and sayuri insisted that he was really cool. and asked me if i saw his face; if i did i would think so too! but i didn't see his face so too bad xD then we got our own little spot and started playing volleyball. haha. quite fun actually(: just that i'm lousy at it xD but you can't blame me, it was my first time! and really. almost the whole school was playing bball/volleyball/badminton/some weird ball game.

next was history. O.o O.o O.o O.o i vote it the most difficult to understand class, ever. they were talking about some jap artists in the first part of the lesson (presentation by classmates) then the teacher started talking about the meiji period. whoo. couldn't understand more than half the things xD

then we had 10mins break; and the girls started pointing out all their crushes to me xD super funny; but they all looked the same to me O.o okay. maybe it was cause we didn't dare go near.

next was maths, again!(: i vote it the most interesting lesson, ever. and the teacher's super interesting too! haha!(:

then it was the end-of-day class meeting again. so they reflected on their day, and had some super cute guy that announced the lessons for tmr.(as in cute in the little boy way. he was half my height! xD)(okay i was overestimating myself. he was.... shorter than hanisah:)) he was really really cute!

then we took a class photo(:

and we went home! haha! my mum could pick me up! whee!

): tmr's the last day *sobs*

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Posted by yann at 9:53 PM 0 comments

pfff. my laptop just died on me again! pfff. pffff. but now, i've got a new hard disk! that's larger than my old one! whee! but but i didn't salvage all my files in the old harddisk! i forgot to transfer some out -.- noo!

well. let's see. umm. i'm super nervous for tuesday. i don't know why. T.T

i'm bored. i'm really bored. and i have a feeling i'm forgetting something.

and i'm not making sense to myself.

and i think i'm a super lousy sister cos i've been pestering my sis the whole day although she's busy mugging for As. but i can't help it! i'm bored. i should have planned something for sunday. (besides going shopping with my mum)

okay i will talk about shopping with my mum. i thought i was the most impulsive shopper around but my mum's worse. she spends one second choosing things and one hour after that regretting her buys.

and i finished writing all the notes and packing all the presents! whee!

and i don't want to reshuffle

and i think that i'm very random

and. i have nothing more to say.



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