Thursday, June 28, 2007

Posted by yann at 10:50 PM 0 comments
whoosh. okay i'll reply tags first.

yihui: haha yeah. kay-po nelson xD
danielle♥: hee uh. just imitating you to piss you off? ^.^ /and no they definitely won't get away imitating you. /i never pon meetings can! just that it always clashes with my other stuff. its super annoying. cause i'm like super bored half the week and super busy the other half./ i'm updating i'm updating~! xD
cherylthewonderful (? -.^): hmmm. (imagination run's wild) just who would imitated danielle? X)
donut: sorry sorry! xD look above. yup i know you change to logistics. traitor! haahaa!/homework is... not very fun.
kai: pissed? -.^ anyways its my blog so i get to write what i want(: /why isn't he supposed to understand
alan: huh. okay.

okay yestaday was a super depressing day. but i feel trapped. okay was that an appropriate word? maybe not. but it's just super weird to be caught between 2 freaking grps. isn't 7 good? isn't 7 a nice number? (Even with all the notverynicethings going on) gahhhhhh. everybody was super unhappy yesterday. oh there. the last sentence summarizes everything just fine, doesn't it?

and i just found out yesterday (like 30mins before presentation) that we were supposed to present. hey just brilliant! ): i couldn't prepare much xD (and in case you didn't know... everything thing i've remembered about the project flew out of my teeny weeny brain after the competition) so i was desperatelytrying to remember what to say. and luckily that wasn't q & a or i'll drown in question marks. oh and i didn't know 206 met right after that thing. whoops!

after that was great. i mean, i could totally forget whatever had happened that afternoon. i was seriously enjoying myself. painting..blah blah.. etc. psl meetings are funn. they distract me. but i had to leave early ):

and it all came rushing back. that's sad. have i told you before? i hate changes.

okay. quite okay. i was feeling kind of detached. i can't believe i enjoyed bio. seriously. i did. and this was the only bio lesson i was seriously paying attention to. just to distract myself. but miss tan's quite nice(: (today?) oh and more and more and more lessons.

and finally lunch! yeah! i was super hungry in class caan. then umm. i was trying to cut my prata up to stuff it into my mouth and it just sort of flew towards tiffany. (not my fault! right? *convinces myself* the prata's just too bored. =x ) luckily it ended right at the edge of the tiny table! haahaa even my flying prata is so guai(: never dirty ppl's clothes. just like it's owner(: (well a pity i had to dump it in the bin after that)
and i stole a green chilli from someone;s plate just for fun and stuffed it in my mouth. AND IT's SUPER SPICY. nobody told me green chilli tasted like this. and i bought and icecream after that after drowning my mouth in water to no avail. oh yeah. the icecream worked!

hee. anyways it was maths. quite slack xD fun fun maths lesson. (Cause it's slack! xD) slacker>>>>yanling

next was amusing. haahaaa. i was stuck doing seaweeds! haahaaaaaaahaa. phrase of the day: "we have to sacrifice quality *oops! it just broke*" yeah! and eliza and me had to go buy cellophane ): eeee so far. hehe. anyways we just came back and started cutting and cutting and cutting and cutting and cutting..... .... ... ... ... ... ... ...

while talking, of course XD and with eliza's playlist on hahaa! my tongleide is so funny!

whoosh and i ate dinner in the car and. umm. spilled food all over my uniform. whoops! sorry auntie!

oh yeah. did we finished putting up the seaweed? nope. :D

Monday, June 25, 2007

Posted by yann at 7:40 PM 0 comments
whee. i've been dreading the new sem since... forever. but this morning, i woke up at 5:50AM in the morning feeling... of all things, unusually excited! okay. you don't believe me right? cos i don't either.

so i was thinking just maaaaaybe... you know. it was going to be a really great day. cause well, i woke up feeling all refreshed and excited about sch. okay fine. so the day started out quite amusing, cos we havent seen each other in a long long long time and we were all being extremely noisy on the concourse while waiting for assembly ^_^

then the day started getting worse... and worse... and worse... i couldn't sit still for more than ten minutes! ): *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* and by the end of the day, i was feeling positively tired and.... tired.

whee! but now i've taken a long (As usual), nice, hot bath.... oh yeah i'm ready to start on all my homework! arent you happy to hear that? :D whee. oh wait. maybe i'll go practise the piano first. homework can wait a little teeny weeny while, yeah?

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Posted by yann at 9:20 PM 0 comments
oh whee after being umm. out of contact with my blog, i'm finally baaaack!((: yup yup.

okay umm. lets see. so many many many many things happened!

i love nightingale its super nice(: and extra fun to play too! this is the the second time i spend so much time practising for one piece ^.^ (the other time was cause i was super bored so i started practising my new exam piece) but because nightingale's so funn, i'm neglecting rhapsody in blue and my exam pieces ^.^ whoops! hee. and my sis loves nightingale too! so i hear it being played over and over again.(: whee! but i still can't memorise the parts for var. II ):

oh and i decided to start playing sims again so i designed a new house! haha! but i haven't built it yet. but my sis's hogging her laptop the whole day so i can't play ): but it's okay! i still have ff ^.^ i still can't defeat the first demon wall =x but nvm it isn't compulsory to defeat anyways ^.^

and i couldn't go for ambience and log comm meeting cause i was feeling unwell ): but the super strong me is up and running again! hah! ^.^

and shrek 3 is uhh. quite amusing ^.^ and i just went broke today! =x and i must remember to trust my sis's taste for food. next time i shall order whatever she orders xDDD

but i've realised my sis likes flowers more than stars.
okay that was superbly random. hah! (sigh i love cham's stuff)

oh whee. i was seriously considering exemption from sem 2's chem module to escape the super fun and interesting chem lessons! and i really don't mind the extra two hours to slack around a bit xD but my mum said there wasn't enough time to learn everything cause i'm barely at home for the holidays and the topic's super important. but my mum said i could do the maths ones! just that i dont like exemption for maths. its just super weird. (hears my sis saying: why is it weird? for the 1000000000000th time today)

okayy my bro is super weird he went to exercise in uhhh that kind of office shirts. like those that's made of cotton or something and has those sharp collars and you can put cuff links on them. yah those. (err i think they're called dress shirts or something) and when i told him he was super super weird, he was like "no lor! this is called being unique! and. umm. setting a new fashion trend!" with that large goofy smile.

oh crap i'm super hungry now although i just ate dinner. gahh.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Posted by yann at 10:40 PM 0 comments

okay. went to school today for logistics comm and ambience comm meeting. no wait; actually i wasn't planning to go for logistics cause well; i felt like staying at home to slack around a little but i brought a few pouches home so i had to go back to school =x *sighs*

so yep. bascially it was quite slack XD

whee then after lunch we went shopping around for like. yarn. and fabric marker. but we combed the whole of clementi central and couldn't find suitable ones. so. yep. went back to sch and after an amusing period of time asking THE question ambience comm meeting started! oh yeah did i mention? the phonecalls were super super super super super super amusing! especially the answers some of them gave XDDDDDD hahaa! eh! but i lost reico's recording! >=/ oh wait. did they get a "suitable scene" in the end? i hope they did; or they wasted all those phone calls for nothing xD

okay so ambience comm meeting was looooonnnng and draaaaggggyy. and yeah. we finally decided on some stuff. they were going to bugis to shop for stuff but i couldn't go! ): hmph~!

hee. i shall really start tidying up the place tomorrow. i promise!!. err. i hope ^.^

Friday, June 01, 2007

Posted by yann at 9:01 PM 0 comments
whee! congrats! you just got 72 pouches to sew for popping your head into logistics comm meeting to help out. oh and did i mention? i took ONE HOUR to sew THREE pouches. four actually, but i sewed it wrongly so my mum helped me take out the thread for me to resew. but then my poor efficiency probably results from the fact that i was trying to learn how to use the sewing machine!(: (okay i dont sound too enthu so i added the smiley at the back) so at this rate i'm gonna finish sewing by.... sunday midnight. but zuxin probably has three times what i have to sew so i'm not complaining any further ^.^

so basically tmr we have to present the climate change thing at nanhua; and you know what? i'm not fullly prepared. i can't even remember the main points i'm supposed to cover. okay i do. but i take time to think. eh im super angry can! how come yihui gets to replace nelson! >=/ i dont wanna present! i have stage frights, dont you know!

AND i just found out today we have to present not only to the judges but to all the other teams in the same classroom. WOW. i hope they're not as. umm. curious and enquiring as terry chua, ang yong qing and utkarsh.


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