Friday, February 02, 2007

Posted by yann at 7:11 PM
i havent blogged in an extremely long time. wanted to, but never really got myself round to doing it. i shall not talk about the previous week, because i don't want to. its all too... overwhelming to talk about. sometimes i'm really guilty for not going and everything, but i really wonder whether i belong there. amidst all the rgs people, and her friends and family. i just drifted away from all the rg people after i decided upon nus high.

so. wells. monday. as usual, it was an extra short day. four hours of not-very-fun lessons. and i spent the whole of my afternoon after school playing badminton in school. whoops!

tuesday was... a little more interesting. we dissected a mouse in bio. and *glares at girly* SOMEBODY had to do all those weird things with the mouse's head. it was.. umm.. not very fun. kind of scary, but not that scary yet. so. yup.

wednesday. jap was EXTRA fun. i dont know why. it just was x) heehee. and anyways fps was really slack again and stuff and chemistry was the same old titration.

thursday was an extraaa long day. history quiz was terrible. drama was slack (we didnt manage to complete anything)(and that reminds me i have my crit response to do)

today was quite fun. dance, i mean. and as usual we umm. was late for jap. for certain reasons. oh yeah. and bdae celebrations for sab, ivan and lewis was today.

Happy birthday! Xinyi, Joanna and Ivan

presidential election's coming! woosh. go grace! and umm. everybody else x)


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