Friday, February 02, 2007

Posted by yann at 7:11 PM 0 comments
I was doing lit, but i needed a break; so. yep.

Well. There's nothing much to blog about. So i shall talk about my marvellous breakfast.

Today, I ate:
1. One large piece of chocolate cake with fruits (mango, longan, kiwi, strawberry, grape, dragonfruit) on top
2. Half a pack of chilli bagel chips (180g)(it is extremely weird-tasting)(but its so nice and crunchy)
3. One slice of pizza-tasting bread (it says "country loaf" on the pack)
4. (I drank) 4 cups of water

Last night, for supper I ate:
1. One large piece of chocolate cake with fruits (mango, longan, kiwi, strawberry, grape, dragonfruit) on top
2. A pack of yoghurt
3. 2 slices of ham
4. 2 pieces of chilli bagel chips

Sometimes, I'm amazed by myself. (:
Posted by yann at 7:11 PM 0 comments
I haven't posted in a long time. Well, there's nothing much to post about. Serious. It has been a pretty boring of rushing out all the projects. And yep, physics project worked out because of a stroke of luck. Hehe(: Oh yeah did I mention? I screwed up my chemistry test; and there are 4 other things waiting to be screwed up next week. Gahh.

Oh yeah my jap teacher rocks!(: Haha! Now i dont have to sacrifice my Mondays. Hah!

And i bought MY IDOL's present yesterday! Haha(: I almost forgot xD

Oh crap. I have to go back to doing History.
Posted by yann at 7:11 PM 0 comments
woosh. camp ended the day before the day before yesterday. quite fun. haahaa. anyways my group comprised of:
roslyn, DEBRA!, sharlene, grace(: , aaron, shuhui, shaun and benjamin. hahaax. and facis: suat and eugene!

learnt quite a bit during the camp. actually, quite alot. well but ive got doubts whether i will be able to remember everything. oh yeah and i decided the gps device was. uh. quite irritating x)

anywaays. ITS JAP COMMON TEST TMR. uh-oh. i've got this much to study: [--------------]
i completed: [-----]

wooosh. wish me luck =\
Posted by yann at 7:11 PM 0 comments
woosh. blog blog blog. omg im so spastic.

okay errr. nothing much, really. its been a pretty boring week. ): except for yestadaay! haaahhax! oh yeah. and i realised that im getting increasingly vulgar.


so lets start with the pictures first.

there are a couple more somewhere in my com and in the camera but its upstairs. so. ya. the above were from my phone

i couldnt remember anything about monday, but history test sucked. too difficult x) whoops! heehee. but maths test was really easy. *sigh* to think i was mugging during break!

tuesday. pe was... amusing! haahaa! all the girls were sabo-ing danielle(: *beams* oh yeah. the soccer coaches came back. bio was hard too. i didnt mug enough. whoops. i should have mugged instead of playing badminton. anyways it was mostly pure memory work, so ya. i should have mugged! practical was quite okay. i took part in the cat-sperm drawing! i added whiskers x) and legs, and a tail, and stripes.

wednesday valentine's day! thanks for all the presents(: i finished all the chocolates this morning xD except hersheys. hee. fps skit was quite okay. the librarian mimic one was damn amusing!haaha. BUT ryan said the olay whitening cream thing so softly! hmph. went to kachiao the juniors during ip after that. sab, tiff and i made two straw structures topple! yeah! and after a whole lot of crapping and stuff, it was time for rehearsal. whoops. i. umm. went out of. umm. beat. x) AND i almost dropped the fan! and somebody fell. woosh.

thursday.. woosh. fire drill. and the demo was damn amusing. and lunch was so freaking sick! haahaa! damn funny. and we polluted yihui's mind x) machinima was sucky. the stupid 204 ppl didnt return the cd! so we had to wait for like. an hour before we could start. and we only had thirty minutes cos the lab closed early. grr. we HAVENT EVEN STARTED OUR MOVIE YET! shit.

friday. ^.^ chinese new year celebration. had to reach school at 6:45 ): (mariel) and i was... ten minutes late! haahaa! so i reached just in time for the dance rehearsal xD so the perf. I DIDNT DROP MY FAN! woohoo! and i DIDNT GO OUT OF BEAT (except for a teeny weeny part x)) and NOBODY FELL! YEAH! and danielle and joanna got to sneak into the audi before the perf! so unfair! i was chased out by elaine x) but they came back with news that the xi thing was extra funny! haahaa. luckily i saw the rehearsal it was damn amusing. so after that went to audi to catch the calligraphy thing, then went off to change and remove makeup and stuff. and went back to audi. but the parts behind were quite boring x) so went back to the dance room to get my bag and stuff. and waited outside the audi for dismissal x) hehe got ang pows from mr g tan in return for some auspicious words xD

went out after that. woots!(: i'll blog about it sometime next time when im free. for now... its hw time.
Posted by yann at 7:11 PM 0 comments
i havent blogged in an extremely long time. wanted to, but never really got myself round to doing it. i shall not talk about the previous week, because i don't want to. its all too... overwhelming to talk about. sometimes i'm really guilty for not going and everything, but i really wonder whether i belong there. amidst all the rgs people, and her friends and family. i just drifted away from all the rg people after i decided upon nus high.

so. wells. monday. as usual, it was an extra short day. four hours of not-very-fun lessons. and i spent the whole of my afternoon after school playing badminton in school. whoops!

tuesday was... a little more interesting. we dissected a mouse in bio. and *glares at girly* SOMEBODY had to do all those weird things with the mouse's head. it was.. umm.. not very fun. kind of scary, but not that scary yet. so. yup.

wednesday. jap was EXTRA fun. i dont know why. it just was x) heehee. and anyways fps was really slack again and stuff and chemistry was the same old titration.

thursday was an extraaa long day. history quiz was terrible. drama was slack (we didnt manage to complete anything)(and that reminds me i have my crit response to do)

today was quite fun. dance, i mean. and as usual we umm. was late for jap. for certain reasons. oh yeah. and bdae celebrations for sab, ivan and lewis was today.

Happy birthday! Xinyi, Joanna and Ivan

presidential election's coming! woosh. go grace! and umm. everybody else x)


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