Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Posted by yann at 7:50 PM 0 comments

Monday, June 29, 2009

Posted by yann at 10:40 PM 0 comments
Today was the first day of school! The school's really trying to avoid students having contact with each other unless they are in the same class, so I didn't really see many people today :p I'm sorry GM but I really can't find my chemistry file!

I just realised in history that i've been writing my date wrong the whole day; 290607 :/ i must still be living in the past! Wow after the first day of school, my homework pile is already that much higher! (and so are my pile of history readings)

After school, i went to meet up with my sis! :D I was released late because of history (and the timetable was pushed back to accomodate temperature-taking) so we didn't really get to walk around much. There was this really cute cow stuffed toy i wanted to get but i decided not to because i am NOT SPOILT! :p Anyway the KFC people were really nice today and drowned my cheese fries in cheese! Yum. ;p and and we decided to stop by the library and i borrowed this really funny-sounding book called "how to ditch your fairy". hahahaha.

I can't wait for my bro to come back! The first thing I want to do when he comes back is to eat and go kbox-ing! haha.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Posted by yann at 4:18 PM 0 comments
i'm apparently supposed to not post until 21 july so as to make the previous post a "sticky" post :p

tomorrow's the first day of school! *sigh* actually, i can't wait to see everybody. haha. 403 people, remember to bring your travel declaration and print your bio notes!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Harry Potter outing~

Posted by yann at 3:21 PM 0 comments
Disclaimer: For friends only

My friends and I have made a major decision! We are organising a Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince movie outing. Details are as follows:

Venue: Vivocity Golden Village (
Date: 21 July 2009 (Tuesday)
Time: After 6pm
Attire: Casual/School Uniform

R.S.V.P. Yanling/Debra/GM by 17 July 2009 (Friday)

P.S. Please refer to Debra's or GM's blog for more details.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Posted by yann at 10:41 PM 0 comments

I SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED MY SCI-FI!!! in addition to a talking toaster, i have a talking blender!

Posted by yann at 5:56 PM 0 comments
i wanted to go to the zoo with rachel, her brother, his friend, ernest and bernard today but i was too lazy to leave the house xD so i stayed at home writing my sci-fi!!! (which i was supposed to finish yesterday xD) i'm proud to announce....


and the first half already sounds like a primary school compo O: i have a talking toaster that walks too! how cool is that.

anyway i just saw my timetable. i only have english twice weekly now. and four hours of bio weekly again. hmm. is that two different modules? and i end late everyday!! ):

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Posted by yann at 10:37 AM 0 comments
my shoulders are aching from marching! i went back to school yesterday again for marching! i was late, but not the latest :p haha.

anyway i was fickle about whether i should go watch transformers, because it was going to be the 9pm show! so late D: i decided to watch it anyway in the end because... it's a long story :D so i went home first to shower (i was ALL sticky and sweaty after marching xD)! and eat dinner before getting to suntec

transformers isn't exactly what i would choose to watch normally; i'm a disney-rom com-chic flick kind of person. i would only choose transformers over like. a horror movie.

but transformers was good! :D haha. it's really exciting! i like bumblebeeee :p anyway the first part of the movie was funny! but as it neared the end it started getting pretty gory and making ppl emo. O: i hope there wasn't an extra scene after the credits cause we rushed home immediately after that!

it was so dark after the movie ended!! suntec was like. a ghost town. anyway i couldn't find the bus stop to get home xD i'm not sure if i have said this before, but suntec is the most confusing place ever! so i cabbed home in the end. i forgot about the city area surplus so...

anyway i reached home at 12+++ :/ and i purposely brought a key out so i don't have to ring the doorbell but somebody pulled the latch across so my key was rendered useless. in the end i still had to ring the doorbell and wake my maid up (which took many rings! haha xD)

yay! i don't have to go out today! so today shall be a science chronicle day. my goal for today is to successfully complete a sci-fi!!!! (yay. *tries to sound enthusiastic about it!*) the thing is... i haven't read a science fiction in ages and i have no idea how to even get a storyline out. meh. maybe transformers will give me some inspiration :P

Monday, June 22, 2009

Posted by yann at 7:22 PM 0 comments
haha i'm feeling happy now! :D

i shall start from saturday. i went for piano in the morning, as usual. okay actually my piano is usually in the afternoon on saturday but last week was special! haha. after which, i went to my grandma's house for a gathering! yum. it was supposed to be a great, relaxing thing to do (and i was supposed to join them for tennis after that!) but i had to rush off for smp! anyway they just kept talking and talking and talking so in the end we left our grandma's house late and i was almost one hour late for smp! >.< luckily debra managed to find a pattern for the brick thingy at home (my pattern was like. inefficient?) and we digressed until we drew out the whole mrt line -.-

yesterday was fathers' day! I LOVE MY DADDY! i would have bolded, underlined and made the font a whole lot bigger but i'm just too shy! ;p we went high tea-ing yesterday, which became my dinner! oh and my one-year-old cousin is really really cute! he's a cry-baby! you have to see him! i shall post the pictures when my cousin sends them over. haha. okay; actually the below-5-year-olds are all really noisy and cute!

meh. i went to school this morning for exco meeting O.o it was so early, at EIGHT AM in the morning! i wasn't even half awake and anyway we digressed a lot :p after that was marching! there were so many people today! [because about half the school's marching or something] but gerlynn had to be quarantined so she couldnt come :p it's quite amusing! haha. we went to macs after that for dinner (i was too hungry to wait to eat at home! xD).

when i reached home today, there was chocolate cake waiting for me! haha. maybe that's why i'm so happy :/ mmhm. i should stop being addicted to chocolates.

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