Saturday, March 28, 2009

Posted by yann at 7:39 PM 0 comments
today was great! :D walked around for 4+ hours.. haha :p


dance workshop's on monday! the dance is simple and easy to teach :p either that or angela's a great teacher! haha.

woooo. facebook is addictive! the games are all so. umm. brainless and weird O.o hahaa.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Posted by yann at 7:07 PM 0 comments
wooooooooooo :D it feels like the holidays now! haha. to replace my suck-ish march holidays spent recovering from a horrible flu... D:

the common tests are over! i guess they were quite okay... apparently the school decided to make all our tests and assignments easier, and leave the exam to be difficult. hmm. haha but the geog test today was a little. uh.. weird. haha. i just crapped through the first question cause i have no idea what the question wants xD

O.o today was a hole-y day! haha. all the teachers all released us early! 4o mins early for PE cause drsun wasnt here... 30 mins early for bio... 30 mins early for maths... and wulaoshi had to leave class 5 mins after he entered O.o haha.

oh! they added some taiwan bubble tea at the drinks stall... haha the pearls are super chewy! and some of the flavours are quite nice actually :p BUBBLE TEA IS COOL! maybe i should go open a bubble tea shop next time. compete with sweet talk :p haha.

next week is a special week! :D *HINT HINT. HINTS SOME MORE* it really feels like the holidays now!! haha

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Posted by yann at 6:06 PM 0 comments

yesterday was the last day of term ONE!!! :D woohooo.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Posted by yann at 8:06 PM 0 comments
this week was a very random week. tuesday was funny cause of the random game of charades xD we are so random.

and wednesday's chinese test was surprisingly... understandable O.o no weird passages describing a river or something O.o but i still thought it was quite difficult la xD haha. and since all the lessons were pushed back by one hour.... my fake-wednesday ended really really late -.- we went to clementi central to look at evidence of weathering. the empress building place was really spoooky O.o i never really paid attention to it last time. anyways we didnt really know what would be weathering so we just snapped at every dirt/stain/crack/ugly spot we found. yumyum. butter corn :D

today was actually quite fun O.o haha. we kind of left the ssef exhibition place like. 15 mins after we reached and went off to science centre! for mini class outing! haha. but at least we went back for the results. apparently nushigh did worst than last year. but i dont even know what happened last year so.... anyways met staceyann zongmin charmaine and samantha :D haha.

today felt like a friday.
EH. tomorrow got another friday ):

i cant wait for the holidays!!! :D

Monday, March 09, 2009

Posted by yann at 2:18 PM 0 comments
oooh :D debra's present is yummy!! xD (i had extras :)) but the previous year's one was yummier. umeya should continue selling jellies!
Posted by yann at 2:09 PM 0 comments
hello! :D i'm in the com lab now, supposedly to do smp! but i'm watching jiayi blog O.o jiayi has a blog... with A one-liner post O.o jiayi is so lame

today is a very sian day. they changed our classroom seating arrangement for our common tests so now we cant doodle on each other's papers ): at least i pay more attention in class now :D

muahahaha. ONE MORE WEEK TO THE HOLIDAYS!!! :D cant wait cant wait cant wait cant wait.

You Are a Carousel

You are young at heart and a truly playful person. No one would ever accuse you of taking life too seriously.
You are definitely in things for the fun. You find joy easily, and you are often building up anticipation for your next adventure.
In relationships, you tend to want to be babied and taken care of.
And while you may be a bit high maintenance, you are incredibly loyal.
Your life is simple and satisfying. Each day you treat yourself to something you enjoy.
You have a lot of emotional attachments, and experiences are extra vivid to you.
You tend to be nostalgic and sentimental. The past is important to you.
Comfortable around all living things, you have a special connection to animals and children.

At your best, you are whimsical, free spirited, and creative.
Even if your schemes seem a bit strange, they usually work out wonderfully.
At your worst, you are spoiled, demanding, and impossible to satisfy.
You've been known to act like a brat if you aren't getting your way!


Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Posted by yann at 6:38 PM 0 comments
i'm in a good mood today :p

went to school for sli rehearsal on saturday, which was err. quite slack. cause half the ppl werent there anyway. the dance is so nice!! after that, we made our way to daughty's house :p haha it was like sort of a mini 403 gathering xD with intruders like ivan, jiaqing and tiongsuan. anyways we played billiard! haha and squash O.o i realised i'm really pro at billiard. like. do all the tricks like have my white ball jumping too much -.- okay. i confess: i suck at billiard. went back to gerlynn's house after that to eat O.o haha. we had voluntary onigiri making ppl so the rest of basically slacked while waiting for our onigiris :D and there was so much food~! O.o then gerbelle went around tricking everybody with her fake butterfly O.o so everybody ended up cramped in gerlynn's room telling ghost stories with the lights all switched off and the curtains drawn O.o the last one was super scary!!! the first few ones were lame -.-

sunday was choing-hw day!! except i was so tired i barely did much :/ meh. so i'm burning today trying to clear hw.

monday was sli!! haha everybody got to miss lessons :D except i had a free period so i didnt miss any. anyway i realised i took the wrong kind of stockings so i didnt wear my stockings in the end :D haha. and aikann's name became "egg an" when i told the emcee how to pronounce his name xD anyway the dance during sli was gooood! vanessa and gerlynn smiled throughout!!! :D and apparently bernard did not have a stone face anymore :D but i was backstage so didnt really manage to see his face. and the school tour made my feet hurt T.T the school tour was weird, though. cause it was so late already so most of the places were like locked and super quiet. so there wasnt much to see :/ missed council photo because the school tour took too long xD pan talk too much!! haha.

missed chinese today!! for ri's pi. it wwas CORNY. (the poses part) and they SANG O.o like. a bunch of guys on stage singing and doing some actions for parts of the song! O.o O.o it was kind of weird xD AND I MET MANDIIIIIII!!! yayyayayayayayyayyy. she give me the bushuang face again ): haha. and we compared heights and realised we were both the same height xD and both of us haven't grown since like. p6 or something. haha. the whole of rgpb exco came O.o anyway we saw bernard's brother!!! haha super different from bernard. bernard so dao, but his brother so friendly :D (and his brother spoke chinese when he said bye O.o) and jiaqing and gerlynn saw ben kuek's twin. i didnt manage to see him though :p he walked away too soon! anyway ri + rjc super big. my feet were dying after the school tour :p and our guide was so afraid we would be bored he brought us all over the school xD meh. hmm some of the ri ppl recognised me and i didnt even know who they were O.o

in the end i found out the whole school got released from lessons early O.o so i missed chinese for nothing O.o

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