Sunday, January 07, 2007

Posted by yann at 6:29 PM
woosh. orientation's over. school's officially starting ):

day 2:
cca fair and housemeeting and mentoring; nothing much really. but the mass dance was extremely extremely amusing x) heehee! 106 still wasnt enthu! :(

day 3:
the talks finished!(: it was intra and inter level games; 206/106 won the scavenger hunt (second place) (: quite fun la. but had to shout a lot. gahh. played aye aye captain next. damn funny! x)
after was mass dance again. and had to stay back for synchro nite dry run. quite okay la. went quite smoothly.

day 4:
*cries* last day of orientation. amazing race was.. well.. quite fun la. im glad 106 had fun at some of the stations. and well; they all talked at the same time during discussions and stuff but they manage to agree on an idea anyway. and it usually works out quite well. i really dont get how they listen to everybody at the same time =x well. 106 GOT THIRD!((: not bad aye~! we were expecting the last place xD
after that was all for synchronos nite. the tribal item wasnt that bad. (okay fine i admit i almost forgot what the steps were) 106's cheer didnt win anything but it was pretty good anyway! and there was mass dance. *ENCORE!* heehee.
yayy. jiayouu 106! hope they'll remain united even after orientation (:

gahh. lost my voice after orientation. and i was so tired i fell asleep right after i bathed. but i still had to wake up early for piano today. grr. =x woosh. i really dont know whether i'll be able to keep up this enthusiasm for the sch after orientation x)


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