Friday, November 24, 2006

Posted by yann at 4:35 PM 0 comments
gahh im extra EXtra EXTRA bored. im spending allll day pigging out. HAIyah. i musst find something to do! ):

Monday, November 20, 2006

Posted by yann at 11:00 PM 0 comments
okays. i shall blog about my results. hm. well. not bad. i suppose. but i didnt know simo was included in my cap scores. so i miscalculated my scores.

well. it was weird going back to school. just walked in, talked for 2 mins with miss koh, and went back out again. well. fine. i did stop to get the yearbook. but that was about all. we went back home right after.

average grade about A. (quite low A) but, yeah, A (:
Posted by yann at 7:18 PM 0 comments
haha! i had funnn!
so anyways.
arts fest.
came to school in the morning for the rehearsal. if i had known everybody else wasnt planning to go home before the art fest too, i would have brought my camp stuff too. but unfortunately, after rehearsal i had to go home to get all the stuff. i forgot which rehearsal it was but i think i dropped my book for this one. x) in the end, angela had to pick it up for me(: thanks!! hahaax.

so anyways i had to take the long journey home, took a bath took a one hour nap, and packed a bit, before going downstairs to watch tv. surprisingly, my mum came on time xD and i reached the arts fest place really really early.

crapzoids. the icebox i lent to 105 went missing~! sheesh! crap la. crap crap crap. next time im not going to be so nice as to bring this big big ice box to school and get it missing anyway. sheesh. so anyways. during the whole arts fest, we were stuck in the dance room. doing what? of all things, makeup. managed to sneak out a little before angela caught me for makeup. went to peek into the hall and got a look at the cheer. fine. i saw it during rehearsal, but the real thing's so much better. so anyways had to go back, practise practise practise till i could do the steps whils sleeping (yeah riight) and requested my makeup to be extra extra extra EXTRA light but i still got a dark purpley eyeshadow anyway. actually. i wasnt even sure if it was purple. it was just dark. and when they werent looking a used a tissue paper to rub a little of the lip gloss and lipstick off x)

so anyways. the performances were okay. im surprised i didnt get stage fright or anything. taking my specs off helps xD but i almost did the wrong step cos i was looking in front, and one of the seniors happened to be in front of me, and her steps were different from mine so i was like "oh crap". then i turned my head a little and realised everybody was doing the same steps as me so i just continued. ehehe the 06103 jonathan was like "you pro ah, put your hat so low i couldnt even see your eyes" jealous issit! that you didnt have your hat for your perf! (((: so anyways the shhh was quite good, hip hop a little less not so good. but i didnt get to see fen dance! hmph! i had to look away cos i was dancing the same part too.

after the performances, went to the hall to watch the rest of the concert. nothing much actually. our performance was near the back i think. then we had to sing the school song and stuff and clear the chairs and finally the disco night started. the music wasnt that great but we were all SUper high. especialyl danielle, who kept wanting to spin. after a while i was too tired x) so we went to the track and sat a bit but went back to the hall. before resting in the dance room x) so anyways. the disco night ended. and the dance room was in a TOTAL mess. crap. and dear danielle left HER book, HER jacket, AND her BUBBLE TEA in the room. HAIya. bubble tea also can leave in the room!

anyways. went to the theatrette. and we were split up. i was in gb! encourage the heart. with reico, nicholas, cheryl chua, debra, jean, kaihui, me, fish, roy, daniel, shaun, raghav, stefanus/ie, yy, aaron, ernest, theo, kegan mr sukandar was our i/c i think. and our group leader was, of course, THE BEAN! ahaha. i sound so impolite. so lets just call him reico. so anyways we immediately went ahead with our "Secret technique" after the briefing. really. that wasnt much of a secret technique x) but it worked. lol! ALL THE GIRLS FROM OUR GROUP GOT THE BATHROOM FIRST! yeah! (: haha! so anyways after that went to the canteen for supper. didnt eat. then introductions etc. and went to sleeeeeeep. *yawns* the floor was damn hard! and my sleeping bag pillow was too small x) but i fell asleep anyway. woke up at around 6 and went to wash up etc. some ppl bathed but i didnt cause it was too cold. and i was too lazy anyways. went to the track and realised all the guys were there already. damn fast! anyways did some exercises, push-ups for eating in the dorm and dirtying the toilet or something. and did the mass dance. the dance was really fun! ahaha! its really amusing! and there were some parts that the guys just totally refused to do. (((: (we were supposed to hug each other. me and deb willingly hugged each other but i must say, the guys really looked weird with their arms around each other x)) haha! the girls were all gloating! xD anyways went for breakfast. had to do a cheer. so we did the bean clap or something. anyways our whole group was extra EXTRA hungry. and pestered mr png for more food xD we got two more packets of breakfast and a packet of beehoon. haha! me and deb had 1.5 packets each xD so anyways next was some weird workshops and stuff. and after lunch was more workshops. there was this scavenger hunt. and the pink shoelaces part was really amusing! haha! and there was the sit on the lap thing (nobody was seriously sitting; not all anyway) and the draw on the back (we all cheated x) but so did eveyrbody else x)) and some other stuff. hahaa. it was quite fun la. then dinner. and stuff. and then we had the night walk. after a whole load of dropping light sticks, nursery rhymes, and children's songs, and a few minutes gossiping (under my nose, aye?) we finally mnaged to return to school! (19 pink bottles!)

had banana, bread, jam and icecream for supper. and yes, our group was extra hungry again and half the group went to queue for more bread and jam x) so anyway. i popped my head into the toilet to get a queue number before going to get all my stuff. but unfortunately, i wasnt clever enough since i only got 13. and oh yes, we DID have QUEUE NUMBERS. after a whole load of complaining from all of us and stuff like "can we use the boy's toilets? chase them all out and grab all the cubicles!" and "next time we'll all wrap ourselves in our towels first and stand here waiting" i FINALLY got a cubicle((: and i lost the "bathing competition". i was the last one out among the other two i was competing against x) mira and someone else.

oh and there was this REALLY REALLY cute cat outside the dorm!(: but it was injured ): it was limping and limping okay! haha. and after i brushed my teeth i was walking back to the dorm and it just rubbed itself against my leg. really ticklish! xD so anyways the ppl scared of the cats were like "CLOSE THE DOOR! close the door! dont let it come in!" haha. didnt manage to sleep that quickly cause the floor was REALLY too hard. so spent some time talking with all the ppl around my sleeping back (cheryl chua, elaine (yr 4), and debra) and debra revealed that ahemmm and AHEEMMM was talking about guys the whole of last night x) (the other two ppl not directly around me; year 2 and 1) (enough clues?) but debra wouldnt tell me who they were talking about xD. haha.

so anyways. woke up next morning to my alarm. i think i woke quite a few ppl up too. so anyways brushed my teeth and everything. and when i returned, debra wasnt up yet! and she was like mumbling "6:35 wake me up" so i was waiting and waiting before i poked her on the shoulder. then changed into pants and went to assemble for morning exercises again. (packed up quite a bit since i had a LOT of time while waiting for debra x)) no la just joking.

the dance was REALLY REALLY FUN! hahaa! we could hear aLLL the groans to the right (the guys were on the right) anyway had breakfast. me and debra shared an extra pack again. and then we all had to meet to draft out the orientation plans. the yr 1 psls were in charge of the intra-mentor group games. so anyways we were quite fast, not as fast as the yr 2 and 3 psls, of course, and possibly the cca leaders, and yr 4 psls too. but anyway the theatrette only had the yr 1-3 psls so we all started dancing when mr lee switched the music on. haha! i mean, the girls all started dancing. anyway we were al lsweaty and stuff so rested for a bit. before eveyrbody else came in. and we all had to do the mass dance before lunch. haha. aiwei and angela was doing on the steps and i was like "they're gonna fall!" throughout the whole dance" but fortunately, they didnt. so anyway. lunch. the guys in my group were as usual very hungry so the girls all passed them the leftovers xD and reico had some kind of infection so he went home ): (aaron was ill went home the previous day already) so there were only 17 of us for the leadership challenge games (or whatever they're called) went for the games after we made up our cheer.

THE GAMES WERE REALLY FUN! hahaa! the first was the alphabet one. i think we werent the fastest but we were still pro! (eheehee of COURSE my group's the best!) then the water one, really cool too! kegan and theo were up on the second floor with one string, while the other two strings were across the whole pebbley place. then after that went to the concourse and met the team that did the challenge before us. we were like "we did one and a half pails full!" and one person was like telling her other group members "if you believe them, i'll eat the whole pail" (they only did one and a half tiny buckets) so anyway after that was the blindfold game. i was grabbing the person next to me so tightly. and we were all going "uhm uhm uhm". ms loh said we were the most giggly group xD and we were very "tribal" too. next was the spider web one. not bad. quite easy to get through xD no la. luckily the guys were on the other side pulling the strings wide. xD so next was the hula hoop and ball thingy. wah we changed our strategy for the hula hoop one alot of times. (We did quite a few trials) but we were the fastest in the end! haha. and the ball one was amusing.

anyways, along the way, we made up a special bean cheer. (haha)(read roy ang's blog for it x)) and recorded it as a gift to the then-absent reico. so anyways we did the mass dance again and recorded our nero bean dance. haha. then went for a BUFFET DINNER! yeah! haha! and after dinner cleared up the room. had to sweep up the hairs with toilet paper x)

so anyways we all presented the orientation plans and stuff. and had a little debrief. OUR GROUP WAS/IS THE BEST GROUP! ilovemygroup(: all the nice and fun-loving ppl inside! ((((:

anyways did the mass dance again. ended half an hour or so late i think. and we had a group "farewell" nero bean dance and recorded it too. GO ETH! GO GB! WE RAWK!!! ((:

i shall end off with a picture: (cheryl chua went home at six for a dinner)

bye! (:

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Posted by yann at 9:50 PM 0 comments
yeah! the camp was really fun(((: well. fine. there were a few parts that were a little weird. but but but it was still really great!((((((((((((:
but im tired now.
so i shall elaborate when i have the time to(:

Monday, November 13, 2006

Posted by yann at 3:55 PM 0 comments
oh crap. today has been a very disappointing day. *nods* its script checking day. english physics history and maths.

well. for english. crap. i cant get my a. stinky and girly insisted it was quite high. but well. i deproved a lot from my previous module. i failed my summary writing. serious. i got 10.5 only. out of 25. 2.5 for content. out of 15. woww. my content rawks huh.

physics was really really disappointing. crap. when i got my paper, it was really really really happy. cos well. at least i wont fail physics. BUT

they had to deduct two marks for question 5. crap crap. and the worse thing is, jiayi added two marks for that question! ._. gahh. and she was like "YES! I BEAT YOU FOR ONE SUBJECT!" with that jiayi-y handsign of hers. x)

okay. dont feel like talking about maths. it totally sucked. crapzoids.

but history was not that disappointing ((((((: *beams* i improved my sbq! yeah! serious. i failed the last sbq test. as in fail fail. fail 50%. but well. history was quite easy. so. nothing much to be happy about except my sbqs improved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i could go on if i want to but i'll go eat lunch now.


-gahh. so many dance practices -

Friday, November 10, 2006

Posted by yann at 9:36 AM 0 comments
gahh. im bored.

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