Friday, December 21, 2007

Posted by yann at 7:58 PM 0 comments
woots. matriculation today.

*sigh* woke up suuuper early because my mum had to fetch my dad to go play golf T.T hehe. i was a little teeny weeny bit late in the end xD so; yup. we were talking in the conference room and stuff. and the 303 and 307 psls drew lots to see who would go over to 301/302. T.T i had to go over! and to 301 too! )))))): i don't get to be with my class during orientation! T.T but nvm lah. make new friends, eh? .__.

so. yup. went to our booth.... hehe. we were people watching! xD debra... *ehem* *ehem* too shortsighted already! so we just sat there... until 9++? i didn't keep track of time :/ but it didn't exactly feel like a long time(: i saw some juniors from my dsa camp group! haha! so. yup. ran around a bit with jerlin, debra and hanisah (and stuffed ourselves with bread) (okay i did) (hungry lahh).

then we went back to the audi to bring our class to their classrooms! whoo! my class is nice(: well. my class looks nice(: oh and did i mention? there was this guy with his bro that was like the exact replica of him, except shorter; and they look suuper cute together! and mag looks super cute with her sis too! xDD oh and my mentor's nice(: whoo. i'm starting to love my class xD but 206 is still better lah!

oh yeah. and we saw zx's sister who was super like zx. she was playing with the rubik's cube caan! super funny! and we saw bryce's bro, who didn't exactly look like him :/

then... we went back to the audi. and sang feliz navidad O.o hanisah said it sounded horrible *embarassed*

so anyways. me and hanisah wandered around after that cause... my duty was. umm. to stand at the block d stairway. but i figured there were enough ppl there. :/ and we ended up helping the uniforms cause they needed ppl! haha it was actually quite fun, you know! xDDD and we gossiped abit when we were free xD and we were sort of ppl watching too? and i tell you that guy in black is super young caan! but he's cute lahh. at the rate i'm going, i'm going to have some jie3di4 lian4or something. but seriously lor, short guys are cute!xD right, hanisah? i wish i had a younger brother ):

no actually. i still like being the pampered youngest child xD

ooookay. after lunch, i went back home. O.o my mum waited umm. more that one hour for me in the carpark :/ whoops! i thought she went shopping! O.o *guilty*

oh. and my new books look uninteresting :/ okay. i haven't ripped the plastic off yet, but... pff. they're so thick!

Friday, December 07, 2007

Posted by yann at 9:09 PM 0 comments
whoo. the lab ray turned my coconut jubjub into a darigan one O.o okay. i haven't blogged in a long time. the video on the class blog is super sweet! *tears* ohmigawd.

okay let's see. class chalet...

hmm. i decided to try and take a bus from home to pasir ris! O.o quite fast eh. so. yup, anyways. met danielle. at... 1:45. i thought i was too early so i was going to buy bubble tea or something ^^ but i decided to call danielle to like. you know. irritate her and ask her to hurry up. but woah. she was as early as me(: so you. we got on 354... and you know. i umm. didn't exactly know where to get off. and neither did danielle. so. umm. on the bus, there were a few people behind that said something about going to some chalet so we decided to follow... uhh. only to realise the bus route is like a loop so it makes no difference stopping at the 2nd or 3rd stop. so yup. we were trying to find the chalet so we decided to follow some people who looked like they were going to a chalet. anyway right. the sign clearly pointed "coasta sands resort" (except they probably meant the pasir ris one xD)

so. anyways. we lost our way. *cheers* luckily ivan called to say we were going the wrong way. heehee. we were just. umm. trying to check whether anybody else would take the wrong way, right, danielle? so if they get lost we can bring them back to the chalet^^ yup. yup.

so. uhh. we wandered around a bit. and talked about... danielle's sister's obese hamster. O.o finally, we got to check in(: but somebody didn't want to go to escape! O.o so we stoned around... and. jumped on the bed? O.o yup. yup. until some special room service people called cheryl and hanisah came in. and wet the bed. and we went out to buy the stuff for the bbq, to add on to all the skewers and marshmallows the guys had(: whee. and cheryl and hanisah went off to escape again; leaving me and danielle stoning....... dot dot dot. oh yeah did i mention? at one point in time, we were watching thomas the... what? choo choo train? O.o

so yup. yihui and maojia came back from their cycle!(: so we played like. cards. haha. and then the guys came back. and... watched matrix 3. quite... amusing (?) i suppose. haha. and the problem was, they only brought matrix to watch ._.

so after the movie (that i was trying to sleep through x)) we decided to go bbq! yeah! so fun right. all the smoke and firestarters. except... our bbq pit was giving out more smoke than everybody else's but it cooked less food than everybody else's. heehee. whoops. so while the guys were trying to bbq (do i look like i can bbq?) we walked around! yeah! and took weird pictures with ivan camera. eh wait. they took weird pictures(: i'm too matured for that, remember(:

so we went back to eat; and when it got late we cleared up. so we resolved to bring all the things we could bring up first and come back to clear the bbq pit later^^ yup yup. but but. after a few minutes...uhh. we sort of forgot about the bbq pit O.o so we decided to clear it the next morning xD

meanwhile, there was the mad rush for the bathroom! haha. i think i took a long time^^ whoops! so. yup. the guys started playing matrix again. O.o amd finally... heroes came on(: haha. hiro is super amusing >.<

then. i forgot what happened. too tired lahh *yawns* except zongxuan was doing some of his funny tricks. haha. super amusing. especially when cheryl had an accident xD but zx ran out of tricks *sigh* so...

we decided to have a pillow fight. haha. and played hot and cold (the search for weiren's phone), and more pillow/blanket/bedsheet fight. hahaa. lol

so... we finally decided to switch the lights off and sleep(: but err. the guys were making too much noise (including trying to imitate farting) and anyways it was too late so i couldn't sleep. haha. but i finally fell asleep at about.. 4.30 or something(: lost track of time.

but hanisah had to call at 6:30! *yawns* oh yeah. we called hanisah in the middle of the night too. whoops!

so. yup. we washed up, lazed around... random sticker pasting; and went for breakfast at macs. and left the 206 mark there. hahaa xD and we went back to the chalet and played a game of bridge involving mentos! *sobs* I LOST ALL MY MENTOS TO THE LAST ROUND!! *sobs* but i didn't want it anyway *attempts to console myself*

whee. so i went back home to sleep. while cheryl danielle and hanisah went somewhere else. i wonder where they got all the energy. O.o so anyways. i went back home and tried to sleeep........ but couldnt ): so i got up to play neopets. whoops! xD

haha. yah. that's about it. ooh and my sis went for some camp or something so she didn't come back too. haha. i got the whole room to myself(:

i'll blog about psl chalet some other time(:

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