Saturday, September 29, 2007

Posted by yann at 7:44 PM 0 comments
so saad! T.T i watched helen the baby fox. it's super super super sad! T.T helen is so cute! ^^ and taichi too! ^^

yup. so lets see.

- i finished the fps poster design! ^^ but errr... it's super hard to make so in the end i think i'll scrape half my design >.< hee.
- we blew balloons!! ^^ heehee. royal violet!(: and we had balloon fights! evil stanley/wenxiang/jiaqing. and my aim is super lousy. should practise shooting more ><
- and we added all the fertilizers today! whee! i hope we didn't put too much.

- GAH. i'm so totally failing jap.
- walked aroudn j8 for a while after the exam. you need to destress! ^^ bought part 2 of hanisah's present! whee! hahaa.

- the algae all died! too much fertilizer! we have to start the experiment all over again -.-
- i was in a holiday mood! ^^ and we were playing with our hair ><
- 1000th day celebrations! eee. we actually walked to west coast. and uhh. almost lost our way. but we got there anyways. ^^ super boring! i couldnt play~! i had to sit there and watch them play! ): kiteflying is fun! oh wait. trying to fly kites is fun ^^

did i mention? i watched helen the baby fox!!!! errr. wait. i said that before; right?


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Posted by yann at 6:03 PM 0 comments
crap. crap. crap. i screwed up my bio exam. i got like really really really really low ))): all because of my 3rd structured question! )):

and today was a super unlucky day and i was feeling all depressed, moody etc. etc. when i got home and saw two large boxes of pastries sitting on the table waiting for me! ^^ i love my bro! ^^ yumyum. there was like eclairs, profiteroles, pralines, cheese cakes... *salivates* heehee! i'm starting to convince myself i live to eat instead of eat to live mann. ^^

okay anyways today was. uhh. weird. okay actually. nothing much happened. was super tired in school cause i stayed up last night to finish my physics practical and bfp assignment after piano! ): *yawns* and i rushed through it cause 1. i was super tired already anyways =x 2. my sis was bugging me to sleep since she needs her sleep for her maths paper tmr. she was like "lunch on you if i get a B"

:/ assembly was amusing!! haaha! the speaker was super funny! ^^ then mentoring. uh. we were supposed to settle "mentor group matters". next was physics. lol! we watch some funny movie. that was like. a documentary with some storyline. not bad. better than the last video, at least! ^^ haha the movie 1. had much clearer pictures 2. was a lot more interesting 3. i want to watch the movie again but i would probably die not to watch the video again. scrap that. i would probably not watch it again ^^

next was fps. some presentations. haha. then lunch was. umm. occupied ^^ the fps session after that was quite. uhh. fruitful? i suppose. we managed to finished discussing our exhibits but didn't do the 200 word thingy :/

and then bio exam. super super super super super super super super depressing :/

okAYletssee. hmm. i've learnt something during the holidays:
7 golden rules of "baby"sitting
1. if she says no, it usually means yes.
2. don't say don'ts, cause it gives them ideas.
3. toys (even hard, plastic ones) go on the bed. period.
4. don't do your homework in front of them. it'll 1. end up in pieces 2. end up with doodles 3. end up missing
5. when you watch tv, watch cartoons. anything other than that earns you some pretty cool whining.
6. (whining again) when they whine, don't give them anything or they'll keep trying it on you
7. they usually talk for the sake of talking so there's no need to answer.

yeah. done. byebye.

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